Dutch Passion Groff Labs: AutoWhite Widow & Think Different, 20L Coco & SOL 9 LED

I've seen folks talking up the results they've gotten with drippers and coco, Blumats in particular, and it looks to me like they can be fiddly. No organics, and have to run some drip cleaner to remove salts? I am considering them if I decide I have to automate a little more, providing I'm willing to switch from organics. Time will tell.

Girls are filling up the space! TD have been growing most, but just when I thought stretch was over, BOOM, the AWW's did/ or are still doing/ a "finish line sprint" !
My front left AWW is now officially the tallest!

Been having a major problem, luckily the plants have not show signs if stress so far. Out of the blue I started getting some sort of saturation, folicular formation in my water rez!! I took everything out, scrubbed it like mad, pump, lines fittings, the rez, stones etc... I even put heap loads of H202 do kill any bugs. Reset the rez, and 24h we're back to the same spot. Water temps have been 19- 20c, lower about -4C than this past month, so it can't be that, but it does smell putrid in there.

I set to pH to 1.7/1.8, 24h later its down to 1.4 and solids floating around. I turn off the air pump and the white particulates sink, and EC rises back up to 1.6. I have no clue what is going on, I can only think my rez does not have a proper plastic polymer suited for nutes, possibly some chem reaction... I dont have more nute, they should arrive tomorrow, so I'll have to turn down waterings until I can mix up a new batch in another rez.

Anyone out there had a similar experience? A

This is the biggest stem. The back row TD to the right. I also couldn't believe my eyes. Growth was so explosive she swallowed the training hook !!

Feeding regime is the same, except I will not reduce cal mag. There is usually a cal mag consumption boost mid flowering, and they seem well used to it, so keeping it in the menu.

Video update soon to come!
I've seen folks talking up the results they've gotten with drippers and coco, Blumats in particular, and it looks to me like they can be fiddly. No organics, and have to run some drip cleaner to remove salts? I am considering them if I decide I have to automate a little more, providing I'm willing to switch from organics. Time will tell.

Blumats do have a folllwing, yet they did not fully deliver in my salad garden. But I was using the passive blumat jr, not the gravity fed/pumped blumats
Hi Groff

In your list of additives I notice you have Growth Tech Liquid Silicon, at what concentration are you using the silicon? I have had a problem before when using silicon at 1ml per litre and adding undiluted pH down to the tank with a precipitate forming. Could the floccs in your nutrient be due to this.

Using silicon at 0.5ml per litre does not seem to cause the same problem when undiluted pH down is added. Now as a precaution I usually dilute the acid before adding to the main tank and have no cloudiness/floccs issues.

Mr Jorilla ganjamoto.
Hi how do you like the bluelab monitor?:checkph:

I love it to death! It is fast, reliable and super precise! As far as I'm concerned there is no better out there. And, like all thing in the law of diminished returns... Its cheaper in the long run. My previous pH pen is quite well reputed (ADWA), I took proper care but only lasted about 9 month. The new probe cost me 30€ and is now the backup pen. There are hundred of people claiming there Bluelab pH probe lasts for years on end with rigorous care, so I'll do exactly that. Also got their official calib/cleaning kit which is VERY cheap for what you get.

Hi Groff

In your list of additives I notice you have Growth Tech Liquid Silicon, at what concentration are you using the silicon? I have had a problem before when using silicon at 1ml per litre and adding undiluted pH down to the tank with a precipitate forming. Could the floccs in your nutrient be due to this.

Using silicon at 0.5ml per litre does not seem to cause the same problem when undiluted pH down is added. Now as a precaution I usually dilute the acid before adding to the main tank and have no cloudiness/floccs issues.

Mr Jorilla ganjamoto.

That is an excellent point !! I add cal mag first, the silicon. That is rule of thumb. Then mix nutes and let it settle, then at the end, ph (-). I remember I did accidentally drop the pH too much, and corrected with silicon instead of Rhizotonic. But I was l ready having this issue, that I thought was due to me never cleaning the rez up to now - so I dont think its that.

Also, the almost-putrid-rotten-egg like smell doesnt fit with percipitation... weird, I dont get it.

I start Silicon once the plant is established and taking off. 0.25, then 0.5, entering stretch 0.75 - 1.5ml/L depending on strain... right up to end of stretch and early bud formation. For instance, I will be giving maybe one more week, week and a half.

You should really stop to avoid excessive silicon deposits in the bud. Silicon is toxic...
Looking good bro have you got any shots of the AWW on her own? :smokebuds:
Do you keep it all the time in the solution?

Indeed I do, its a continuous pH and EC monitor, its meant to work full time.

Looking good bro have you got any shots of the AWW on her own? :smokebuds:

The two on the left are AWW, the two on the right are TD's. I can't pull them out because I've got the drippers and lines installed