Mephisto Genetics Gringo's perpetual Mephisto grow .... HubbaBubbaHaze harvested


On the way to moon
Aug 12, 2017
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Homegrown organic weed.
Hi everybody!

I learned so much through this fabulous forum watching the masters at work, so I thought it's time to give something back to this awesome community and start my first journal of an -hopefully- long and fruitful journey. English is not my native language so please be forgiving with me ....
Beeing a grower who has still a lot to learn, I'm very open to all your questions, comments and advices.

I bought new lights (my first grow with COBs), cleaned my tent and started this adventure at the beginning of the year.

I love diversity so the idea is to have always 4 (mostly) different plants in my garden. So I planted them with a time difference of +/- 3 weeks between each. .... it took a while to fill the tent but now I am able to chop a plant more or less every 3 weeks and replace her through another.

A special thanks @slowandeasy for his kind and excellent watering advices and @mephisto for there absolutely awesome creations and quality!

Actual strains:
  • Ghost Toof (planted today after a 24h soak)
  • Sour Stomper
  • Forum Stomper
  • Orange Diesel
  • (Forgotten Cookies, chopped yesterday at day 74 from seed)

  • Tent: Secret Jardin DR90 90cm x 90cm x 185cm (3ft. x 3ft. x 6ft)
  • Lights: 4 x COB Cree 50W, 3500K with 90° lenses, 1 per plant (positioned individually)
  • Oszillating monkey-fan
  • Exhaust with carbon filter
  • Dehumifier "Trotec"
  • Ceramic infrared heater if needed (60W and for colder temps 150W) with reflector
  • RO-water
  • Nutes veg: Plagron terra grow, PlantMagic MagneCal+, Real Growers Recharge
  • Nutes flower: AN A+B soil, BigBud, Overdrive and a bit of Carboload here and then, PlantMagic MagneCal+, Real Growers Recharge
  • Medium: - first days Canna Coco Professional Plus until transplant (day 8), then a mix
    of 2 parts Plagron Lightmix with Perlite and 1 part Canna Coco Professional Plus
  • Airpots 15l (4gal)
  • Temps: day +/- 28C (82F), night +/- 23C (73F)
  • Lights 19/5
  • RH: +/- 45%



Forum Stomper day 36
31-03-002 FST.JPG

Orange Diesel day 56
31-03-003 OD.JPG

Sour Stomper day 15
31-03-004 SST.JPG

Ghost Toof recently planted, dehumifier, ceramic infrared heater with reflector
31-03-006 GF-Tro-Heiz.JPG

Forgotten Cookies day 74, now chopped
31-03-005 FC.JPG
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And here the Forgotten Cookies, chopped yesterday at day 74 from sprout. I would have given here 5-7 days more but I'm running out of weed ... so decision was easy :smokeit:

She was 55cm tall and 45cm wide, topped above the 4th node, LST and she gave me 633gr wet weight of manicured buds .... so I guess 120-140gr dry (using 50W of light ... that would be something between 2,4 and 2,8 gr/w, which is not bad at all I think) I will post an update once she's ready for the jars.

31-03-005 FC.JPG





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Outstanding setup, reminds me of when I was running perpetual with photoperiods and clones. Every 7-10 days, 3 came out and 3 went in. They were small-ish, and that was intentional. Harvest every 3 weeks were about 20-30 grams. But it was a lot of work, as I had to keep clones going and had different feeding schedules for different stages of plants and clones and mother plants lives. I can see where it might be an easier task with auto's. Good Luck, I am subbed to watch you kill it!
Outstanding setup, reminds me of when I was running perpetual with photoperiods and clones. Every 7-10 days, 3 came out and 3 went in. They were small-ish, and that was intentional. Harvest every 3 weeks were about 20-30 grams. But it was a lot of work, as I had to keep clones going and had different feeding schedules for different stages of plants and clones and mother plants lives. I can see where it might be an easier task with auto's. Good Luck, I am subbed to watch you kill it!

Welcome and thank‘s for joining and your kind words!
With autos it‘s not a big deal. Space management is easier and it is fun to have different plants in different stages of their life requiring a different treatment each of them.
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:pop: pretty much what I try and do but your doing it better :toke:


Thanks man .... but I‘ve to admit that some months ago my growing was worse and I‘m just starting to get decent results. Now I will have to proof to myself that results are reproducible.
Thanks man .... but I‘ve to admit that some months ago my growing was worse and I‘m just starting to get decent results. Now I will have to proof to myself that results are reproducible.

Thanks man .... but I‘ve to admit that some months ago my growing was worse and I‘m just starting to get decent results. Now I will have to proof to myself that results are reproducible.

Looks like your dialled in now :woohoo1:

What's coming up next :pop:
Looks like your dialled in now :woohoo1:

What's coming up next :pop:

My Ghost Toof will hopefully start her life in a couple of days.

Orange Diesel recently started the flower mode so I guess she will be ready to be chopped and replaced +/- at day 85 (4 weeks left). Due to my very limited space I have to shape all my plants (topping, LST) so they take a bit longer. But never too long because I like them mostly cloudy or cloudy, I don‘t like to see amber on my buds ... just a personal preference.

Then I will start a strain which is quite rare these days: Illuminauto [HASHTAG]#11[/HASHTAG] (White Stomper = Sour Stomper x Walter White) which I received as freebie with one of my last orders. Thank you @mephisto for giving me this opportunity!
My Ghost Toof will hopefully start her life in a couple of days.

Orange Diesel recently started the flower mode so I guess she will be ready to be chopped and replaced +/- at day 85 (4 weeks left). Due to my very limited space I have to shape all my plants (topping, LST) so they take a bit longer. But never too long because I like them mostly cloudy or cloudy, I don‘t like to see amber on my buds ... just a personal preference.

Then I will start a strain which is quite rare these days: Illuminauto [HASHTAG]#11[/HASHTAG] (White Stomper = Sour Stomper x Walter White) which I received as freebie with one of my last orders. Thank you @mephisto for giving me this opportunity!

I like too take them first sign Amber but I do take them down in stages let the bottoms fatten out a bit

Can't go wrong with mephisto gear pal