Outdoor Gringo's 2017 New England Guerilla Grow

Ok, did my first checkup after a week of chilly nights and all-around dire weather. Been pissing rain for 6 out of the last 7 days. Pleased to report all three girls are not only looking healthy, but have new growth. The star of the show is the HSO Black D.O.G. which has easily doubled in size this past week. They all look ever so slightly stretched, but nothing outrageous.. and the stems are thickening up nicely. Blue Widow [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG], badly burned by a CFL when I put her out there, is showing new healthy growth. Per 912GreenSkell's suggestion, I covered my soil mix with some brush and foliage to help camo it a little. We're supposed to get some actual sun this coming week, so I'm hoping to see some explosive growth in the coming weeks so, without further ado, here's the ladies:

HSO Black D.O.G. --------->




Blue Widow [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] ---------->




Blue Widow [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] ---------->



Hey folks.

Got a sweet spot staked out for this year's outdoor guerilla grow. I ran a single plant out there last year and had some success, so this year I'm expanding my operation to three plants.

I'm running 2x Dinafem Blue Widow and 1x HSO Black D.O.G., both chosen for short flowering cycles and mold resistance, as the summers hereabouts can get pretty muggy toward the end.

Last year, I filled my holes with composted soil from the agriculture dept. at a state college. This year I'm going with a 50/50 mix of Vermicrop Organics' Vermifire and Promix HP. I'll be amending here and there with GH calmag and bottled nutes should deficiencies present themselves.

My seeds are in starter pots under CFLs right now, and they've only been above ground a few days. I'm aiming to transplant by the end of the month.

My holes are dug and filled already.. I used in total, 2 bags of Vermifire and about 2/3 bail of Promix. Pretty excited about this one, and will hopefully get some great pics to share with everyone. Fun times ahead!
Hey folks.

Got a sweet spot staked out for this year's outdoor guerilla grow. I ran a single plant out there last year and had some success, so this year I'm expanding my operation to three plants.

I'm running 2x Dinafem Blue Widow and 1x HSO Black D.O.G., both chosen for short flowering cycles and mold resistance, as the summers hereabouts can get pretty muggy toward the end.

Last year, I filled my holes with composted soil from the agriculture dept. at a state college. This year I'm going with a 50/50 mix of Vermicrop Organics' Vermifire and Promix HP. I'll be amending here and there with GH calmag and bottled nutes should deficiencies present themselves.

My seeds are in starter pots under CFLs right now, and they've only been above ground a few days. I'm aiming to transplant by the end of the month.

My holes are dug and filled already.. I used in total, 2 bags of Vermifire and about 2/3 bail of Promix. Pretty excited about this one, and will hopefully get some great pics to share with everyone. Fun times ahead!

how big a hole are you digging per plant?

also regarding the blue dream did you not get any bud what so ever
i would be buzzing with 50 blue dream seeds but i dont smoke