Live Stoners Greetings, Growers!

Hiya folks!

I belong to one other growers forum but I'm new to this site. This forum came up several times while I was researching various items (techniques, strains, etc.) and struck me as a very cool forum and an informative resource soooo... here I am!

I don't grow autoflowers exclusively but I absolutely love them! I do understand some of the older growers may have been underwhelmed when autos were new on the scene, but I think they're doing themselves a disservice by not listening when we say autos have come a long way!

Anyway - I'm pleased as punch to be here. Looking forward to meeting some great folks, expanding my knowledge base, and, hey, if I can help someone else from time to time with my $.02 - wonderful! Thanks for having me!

Happy growing,


hey @Baphomatt and welcome to AFN... I like to grow both, photos and autos. They both have there place in my Garden, what i do love to do is the game of trying and getting the biggest auto out of the space I'm in... when i have the space that is.

need any help just tag me (@Slater ) and i will do my best.

here we saved ya some on the welcome joint, have fun my man! and a massive welcome to AFN :bighug:

Gotta say, folks, I'm loving this forum! It's a much higher volume than the other I belong too - which I like! Very chill. Seems to be some knowledgable folks here that are happy to help! Very friendly lot with not much in the way of snark or condescension. Lovin' it.

I love growing and, well, all things cannabis. I just love the culture. Unfortunately I live in an area where you just really can't discuss the subject. I mean there are always a few random stoners around, but it's not the same. I'm sure you know the type; they only care about how high they can get and don't even know, or care about, the difference between a sativa and an Indica and use "skunk" & "Kush" indiscriminately to describe any marijuana.

Looking forward to getting to know some folks better!
i have a mate that thinks weed is just weed,looks smells and tastes the same.stoned is stoned,and it dont matter if ya give him indica or sativa he will be sleeping within 2 hours :shrug:
start a journal show us how and what you doin,link should be underneath or in my first post.
good luck n keep er lit.
i have a mate that thinks weed is just weed,looks smells and tastes the same.stoned is stoned,and it dont matter if ya give him indica or sativa he will be sleeping within 2 hours :shrug:
start a journal show us how and what you doin,link should be underneath or in my first post.
good luck n keep er lit.

I shall! Have never done a grow journal so I'll look at some others to get a feel for the format.
Unfortunately I live in an area where you just really can't discuss the subject

I hear ya, same here.... AFN is my only place I can talk shop and feel open about my garden... Got a very dear friend that pretends to listen when i'm banging on about some new thing I've learned but I know he's not really listening.