Live Stoners Greetings all

I've been lurking for a few months, obtaining a wealth of useful information in the process.

My first grow is under the belt - with a host of mistakes that I'll hopefully learn from!

I'm now onto my 2nd grow and I have a couple of initial questions....

My plant is 4 weeks into flower with at least another 4 to go before harvest - it's currently under 1 x Hans Panel 180w and 2 todogrowled tgl-star 60s [in a gorilla grow 3' x 3' shorty tent.]

I've managed to acquire a GN HS1 this week so to my questions - "Would my plant benefit from the extra light? And if so would the variety of different lights / LEDs be an issue?

Many thanks,


[P.S please be warned that I'm likely to be asking plenty of questions from here on in!]

heya @Harry_Kovert and :welcome: to afn! :toke: anything u need, jus give a holler :thumbsup:

ppp & :goodluck:

:420: :bong: