Live Stoners Greetings all

Jun 29, 2016
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I've been lurking for a few months, obtaining a wealth of useful information in the process.

My first grow is under the belt - with a host of mistakes that I'll hopefully learn from!

I'm now onto my 2nd grow and I have a couple of initial questions....

My plant is 4 weeks into flower with at least another 4 to go before harvest - it's currently under 1 x Hans Panel 180w and 2 todogrowled tgl-star 60s [in a gorilla grow 3' x 3' shorty tent.]

I've managed to acquire a GN HS1 this week so to my questions - "Would my plant benefit from the extra light? And if so would the variety of different lights / LEDs be an issue?

Many thanks,


[P.S please be warned that I'm likely to be asking plenty of questions from here on in!]
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Hey Harry how's it going?!?!? Hope all is well for you and glad to see you here at our wonderful little community! Tons of useful information here and a great vibe and community! If you need help with anything feel free to tag me out give me a shout, is be more than happy to help out!
I've been lurking for a few months, obtaining a wealth of useful information in the process.

My first grow is under the belt - with a host of mistakes that I'll hopefully learn from!

I'm now onto my 2nd grow and I have a couple of initial questions....

My plant is 4 weeks into flower with at least another 4 to go before harvest - it's currently under 1 x Hans Panel 180w and 2 todogrowled tgl-star 60s [in a gorilla grow 3' x 3' shorty tent.]

I've managed to acquire a GN HS1 this week so to my questions - "Would my plant benefit from the extra light? And if so would the variety of different lights / LEDs be an issue?

Many thanks,


[P.S please be warned that I'm likely to be asking plenty of questions from here on in!]
Thank you for the warm welcome Pete - just need to complete this latest photo plant then I'll be growing autos and only autos - already have stock of some sweet seeds and mephisto genetics.

Hoping someone is able to answer the LED questions I've posed.

Think I also need to be more brave with nutrients though my "keeping it simple" approach seems to have worked OK so far.
I've been lurking for a few months, obtaining a wealth of useful information in the process.

My first grow is under the belt - with a host of mistakes that I'll hopefully learn from!

I'm now onto my 2nd grow and I have a couple of initial questions....

My plant is 4 weeks into flower with at least another 4 to go before harvest - it's currently under 1 x Hans Panel 180w and 2 todogrowled tgl-star 60s [in a gorilla grow 3' x 3' shorty tent.]

I've managed to acquire a GN HS1 this week so to my questions - "Would my plant benefit from the extra light? And if so would the variety of different lights / LEDs be an issue?

Many thanks,


[P.S please be warned that I'm likely to be asking plenty of questions from here on in!]

Hello Harry! Welcome to our piece of the net!!

Hmmm they are all led if I'm understanding correctly... To start off you probably only need one of the panels as all of them on may be too intense for seedlings. As they get older and require more light/penetration you can turn the others on...

Hope this helps! I'm sure other led growers will chime in!
Hello Harry! Welcome to our piece of the net!!

Hmmm they are all led if I'm understanding correctly... To start off you probably only need one of the panels as all of them on may be too intense for seedlings. As they get older and require more light/penetration you can turn the others on...

Hope this helps! I'm sure other led growers will chime in!

Thanks for the warm welcome Rebel and for the advice even though you've understood incorrectly! ; ]

The plant in question is roughly 4 weeks in flower - all lights are now blazing and the plant appears to be loving it's environment.
May I introduce The Plant!

Welcome to AFN @Harry_Kovert
The lighting arrangement at around 40w / sqft would be ok. Just keep an eye for any signs of stress on the leaves and adjust light heights accordingly.. :pass:
Thanks for the advice Duggy - very much on the case to the point of being obsessive in terms of keeping an eye on things, more so with this week's addition of the HS1 into the equation.
Welcome to AFN!
images (5).jpg
I see you did

Lovely flowers mate, looks like you have a couple weeks or so. Good luck with your autos! :vibe: