Lighting Greenfingers blurple Freebies, worth it?

May 15, 2021
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Hey guys. I've been running a 90x50 tent with a mars TS 600 and two e27 leds. The e27 leds are "120w", actual 23w, and have 150 diodes, 130x6000k, 10x3000k, 5x460nm and 5xIR. It adds up to 146w, 900umol in the hotspot and 500 at the edges at 12" and 31w per ft². This is the plant grown with this setup at wk 7 of flower.


I have just purchased two 120x60 tents, and haven't got lighting set up yet. My mate gave me two free greenfingers blurples but I'm not sure if they are accurate in description as I've heard most of these manufacturers aren't honest in their descriptions. They are "600w", actual 235w, are meant to cover 3x3 at 24" for veg and 2x2 at 16" for flower, and quoted as 450umol at 24", 750umol at 18" and 1150umol at 12".
They have 120x5w leds, 24 being blue (mixed 415, 430,455 and 460nm), 16 being white (8x6500k, 8x3000k) and 80 being red (mixed 580,600,615,630,660 and two 730nm). Would these be worth using in combination with 2x40w led bars (3000k/6500k mixed, 3ft length)?
My other option would be a TS1000 and 6 e27 bulbs for 38w per sq foot, per tent. I can get two TS1000s for $260. The greenfingers would be 310w and free, the TS and e27 bulbs would be 290w and $260.

What would you pick? A small outlay of $260 for decent spectrum, or use the lights I have acquired for free, pull the same power, but deal with a less than optimal spectrum?
Two TS1000 is a good setup for a 60x120cm tent, I used that for my first grow and got well over 1/2 kg of great weed, using 3 of them now in my 3rd Grow.