So, after a little rant, a big bowl and some gardening (to help the ptsd and chill out) we'll try this again.
@StickMan @Titan @Unique @Mañ'O'Green @bushmasterar15 @Hypathetical Gardener @Dudeski @mcpd_refugee @iampepe @Rollin_along @AutoWonders @912GreenSkell @archie gemmill @Need4Weed @dankstyle J @Spacejunkie @forbiddenx711 @hesgone13
We'll call this segment.... WWYD Corner or What Would You Do? Corner.
You're a Farmer

and you are trying to decide which water source to use in your organic garden.

You have 2 sources of water to choose from, both wells.
Well1, is the primary source for the house and has a UV light and a salt/brine water softening system. It has a tertiary filtering system at the sink in the house, not the whole system.
Well2, is used for irrigation and does not have any filtering except a a screen to catch large debris.
Also, you have a Garden model RO filtering system your planning to use. The garden model adds calcium and magnesium back to the RO water before adding it to the reservoir.
You also know that with organic gardening the pH level of your H2O is best between 6.2 and 7.0, and ppm is important and Ca/Mg is needed but you don't want a bunch of other stuff in there that you don't know what it is, but, with organic it probably won't hurt to have a lil' bit of other minerals, etc..
You've tested

the water from all sources and here are the results:
A) Well1 with UV and softener
Temperature: 72 F
ppm: 787
pH: 6.65
B) Well1 w/o UV&softener
Temp: 61 F
ppm: 777
pH: 6.55
C) Well1 w/ UV&Softener and RO filter
Temp: 74 F
ppm: 200
pH: 6.50
D) Well2
Temp: 68 F
ppm: 249
pH: 7.56
E) Well2 w/ RO filter
Temp: 68 F
ppm: 35 - 45 (Ca/Mg)
pH: 7.53
I am tempted to go with Well1 (C) w/UV/Soft and RO at 200 ppm and 6.5 pH, because the water has been zapped with UV (all the lil' buggies are killed) and I don't ever have to worry about adding pH decrease. The ppm is really not high enough to worry about it, 45 of it is Ca/Mg.