Photoperiod Gorilla Glue first legal grow

That's a neat idea. I'm definitely curious to see how it works for you. I have not come across that yet.
I have used this method on dozens of grows. It works. You just have to watch out for stuff growing on your wicks. I use h2o2 to sanitize them. Right now the nutrients are in the bottom of a elevated saucer the ropes are lying in it. Eventuality there will be a bubble resivoir under them. Very low maintain eye and you use a minimal amount of nutrients.
Im working with a 3x4 tent lik this 1.

mans a couple of these for now.

Here is a pic of the girls from this morning
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Congrats man! :d5:I too am in VA, on the side of a mountain with a south-facing slope. I also went with ILGM gg but the auto version in organic soil outdoors. And I’ve def wanted to punch myself in the nuts a couple times but it’s my first grow so I cut myself some slack. I’m out of town w the wife watching the plants, but I’ll shoot some picks when I get back. You’re looking good!
Congrats man! :d5:I too am in VA, on the side of a mountain with a south-facing slope. I also went with ILGM gg but the auto version in organic soil outdoors. And I’ve def wanted to punch myself in the nuts a couple times but it’s my first grow so I cut myself some slack. I’m out of town w the wife watching the plants, but I’ll shoot some picks when I get back. You’re looking good!
I live in the valley the mountain slopes come from all directions. Wishing you luck. Can’t wait to see them. :pass:
Up’ed the nova grow from 1/2 a tsp to 1 tsp 2 days ago. They are really greening up and growing. Also added 1/4 tsp of flora+ and 1/8 tsp of rapid start to both. The wicks are there only source of nutrients and water except for the 2 Dixie cups full of water and cal mag that I give them from the top per plant. A day after I transplanted. I like to give the cal mag through the top and use a higher ph 6.4 was about where it was. My nutrient solution I keep in the saucers is Ph’d around 5.5 to 6.0. I put 1 Dixie cup of nutrients per pot in the saucers 2 days ago. They will need more tomorrow. If I had a two gallon rez I would be good for a month. I personally cal this method The AR ( Artificial Roots) method. Kind of a DWC Soiless hybrid.
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