Photoperiod Gorilla Glue first legal grow




Chopping Anvil #1 tonight.:woohoo:
That's either a small box or a phat ass J.... :haha: enjoy every toke man :jointman:

Burnt that test tater down. The smell when trimming and breaking up the bud was heavy ammonia, a little skunk and some floral notes. The taste was ammonia on the inhale and a touch of sweetness on the exhale leaving an aftertaste somewhere between chocolate and coffe.
The buzz was calming could feel it in my eyes and body. Definitely set me down for a minute, it was a pretty fat J to smoke by myself.
Looks good ,smells good and gets me high AF.

Anvil #2 has no ammonia smell. More fruity and sweet. It noticeably more frosty and dense.


Smoke report you was wondering about @Mossy
Going to let it cure and give her a good try in a week or 2.
Sounds like she Smokes as Good as she Looks...........:bravo:..Well Grown @Cave Dirt Cody......she is a Beauty.....Drag-on...View attachment 1397946
Definitely a nice smoke. Very smooth even with no cure. I was done half way through that J, but I kept going for science.

The Jem influence in this one was unmistakable.From color to bud structure and the floral notes trying to hang on in the background.
