Topping works awsome on autos and any other training.been at it 4 years are there to be pushed to the limits to reveal there true beauty;) and yeild ;)happy growing
Whats up AB.. Looks like your gonna kill it( in a good way) ...rock on!!
Budlee thanks alot mate growth is rapid some good stretch again lastnight during lights out for think some pics of the goliath auto garden today;)
happy growing every1;)
The topping is going nicely..kudos for helping break the old sterotypes of the past..heres a few of my topped plants that just finished and i have 4 more toppers going..i beat em up pretty good..peace bro
Budelee the pleasure is all mine mate.proved alot of people wrong and will continue to do so.the plant in the middle is kannabia seeds mikromachine auto, is around 13 days old she will topped tmz to make a big plant.and push her with lst and whatever else needed;) and congrats mate on ur 4 lady topped autos perfect job nice big buds and lots of them.beautiful mate enjoy ur harvest and stay high;)
Good day all so kannabia seeds mikromachine auto was topped 3 days ago and has enjoyed it.branching out well gna make a great big plant;)
and think big is very busy flowering away.killer kush auto had another defol and all bottom growth removed today.she has shown sex but not flowering yet.3 bears og growing well but gna be a small plant.the auto garden in perfect health no bad news to report
happy growing every1;)
So good day all i did raise think big 3 days ago so she sat 18 inches from goliath.measured today and she now sits 14 inches from goliath and is loving still slowly stretching and she is a big bushy beautiful lady.mikromachine did enjoy been topped and has since been lstd yesterday still growing strong.and killer kush auto and og 3 bears auto untopped growing well just starting to some pics;)
happy growing every1;)