GMan does Cream of the Crop Seeds Narcotherapy Auto

Are you getting any run off with 1ltr?
My 10l pots were drinking 1.5ltr, watering every 3rd day.

Yeah i get a little run off man. I will admit tho she does dry out in a day or 2.
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Hey GMan, to second what AB said, I wouldn't start trying to adjust the pH. Just went back through your grow and although you had a rough start things are starting to look up for her. 7.0 may be a touch high but as the roots begin to develop and spread into the soil that will almost assuredly come down. In organics, when done properly, the plant will regulate the pH of your soil with a few exceptions. If your soil is very hot then you may see an acidic pH or if you are using tap water that has a high buffering capacity you may see the pH stay closer to 7.0.

Regarding your thoughts on whether you are over watering. I have grown organic in 7 gallon pots(~28 liter) and 3 gallon(~12 liter) in all cases I am watering every day. You want to water more often and less so as to not wash your hard work out of the container. Runoff for me is debatable with chemical nutrients, I can see the need for it if the grower is over feeding the plant and there is an excess salt build up in the medium but otherwise runoff is a waste of water and money(in terms of nutrient waste). In organics, I don't want to see runoff if at all possible. The short of it is, the roots exude sugars that feed your soil biology(the microbes). In return for feeding the microbes they supply the plant with needed nutrients(the soilfood web). Any time we do anything to disturb the soil, such as watering until runoff, we are washing a lot of those needed microbes as well as their sugar exudates and the nutrients they are providing out of the container. Short of it, water more often and less.

Hope that helps more than it confuses.

One other thing, as I spoke about earlier, if you are using tap water maybe consider collecting rainwater for your plants. It is a hassle but it provides a more natural environment for the soil life and removes those possibilities of excessive buffers building up in your soil from municipal drinking water sources.
Thanks A4, you didn't confuse me. Appreciate your input. I will cut down the watering and see how I get on.

I'm actually using my fish tank water, which is very well filtered & oxygenated. I won't use rain water, within 20 miles of me is a power station & oil refinery!
Yea, rainwater is not the best organic option here in California. With all that s&*^ they spray in the air, and all the industrial plants. The ice in mt shasta has been tested to be contaminated with non-organic funk. Im sure it goes a similar route for most industrialized/over civilized areas of the world.

Acid rain drops. ;-)
Day 29

Over the last week she's been catching up nicely. Still not where I'd like her to be but better than nothing! She's the perfect shade of green with tight internodal spacing.

She received a tea, 48hr bubble of ewc, molasses & Maxicrop seaweed. She's also had a small amount of plain water each day.

I've decided not to use any lst this time round as she was so stunted early on.

I still have high hopes for this one man!! Are you growing it for the CBD by any chance? I'm excited for the smoke report on this lady.
Cheers Medi. I picked her for a few reasons. I wanted to try cotc, I loved the name and the description, but yes, the high thc combined with a high cbd really swung it.
Looks Good man. You never know bro. It could be like my afghan. It was a bit slow on the veg, then BAM. It exploded on the flower stretch. :Growing::tiphat::Sharing One: