Lighting Gloom's first... everything. DWC LED.


Mar 6, 2014
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So I got bored tonight. After lurking here for a couple of weeks and gleaning a bunch of information I figured i could probably start up a journal of what i'm up to.

I am planning on doing a 5 bucket DWC. Inside a 2mx2mx2.3 tent. In my garage.

I have picked up so far, in no particular order...
5x 20Litre buckets
1 x 115 litre tub
2 x 900w Mars II LED lights (400-450watt draw around 900w total)
Dejavu...for a moment there...wierd...moving on...
All the grommets hoses plugs and elbows to turn my 5 bucket DWC into an RDWC pending a water pump as well. ( will probably stick with DWC for first time )

And some nutes from my LHS
Dutch master Silica
ISN nutrients A+B Grow and Bloom (im probably taking this back to the LHS to switch for Canna aqua)
And heavyweight PK 13-15 (ditto canna PK13/14)

Still to buy is Canna boost (holy hell expensive zomg), and when i go into my hydro shop hopefully they have sources some CALMAG for me.

Im also currently waiting on the postman to bring me an order of seeds, 3x think different 5x auto pounder 10x kc brains kc45 ( still not sure which seeds im gonna sprout)

And also an order containing my tent, cheapo EC and PH meters, Hydroton, a hygrometer/thermometer a light timer and a 2 light mover kit.

I also ordered a 30-60X microscope, and some trimming/pruning shears lol... a little ahead of myself...but always be prepared. Plus my mate has an outdoor almost ready to chop.

I bought some 80mm net pots, when they came in the mail tossed them aside and ordered some 140mm netpots, lol. oh well.

Still to buy are my airpump, i have eyes on a Hailea 100lpm, some air stones and lines, carbon filter setup and probably a tonne of other stuff i havent thought of.

For carbon filtration I have my eye on a 150MM 3 speed silenced Can fan, damn expensive...but hey...i want it quiet...some acoustic ducting and im not too sure what size for the carbon filter itself.

So the plan as it stands, is for 5 buckets of DWC in a 2x2 (or 6ft by 6ft) grow space, possibly scrogged not sure at this stage and the LED's will run on a light mover which i guess would benefit a scrog setup pretty well.

I live in a rental, with landlord/agent inspections every 3 months, which is a pain in the ass but im hoping to be able to work around it. I have ducted reverse cycle aircon/heating. And am planning on buying another outlet, a y piece and some ducting to run another vent into my garage, feeding off the outlet that goes to our spare room. That way if i need/want to i can run exhaust ducting from my tent up through that vent into the roof cavity, and i could run a line from inlet to the vent if i need to also. Oh yeah, and i need to grab a bag or two of insulation and insulate the ceiling above my garage, coz this cheap ass house skipped out on it.

Noise and smell are big issues for me, stealth is really key here. I've fired up the LED's and the fans on them are pretty loud I may end up dropping some cash on top end computer fans to replace them. Depending on how quiet i can setup a carbon filter...if the carbon filter is louder than the LED's not much point wasting money on LED fans... They're probably not that loud...But when you turn them on and stand outside the door listening for can hear them.

I will probably end up with some combination of insulation/blankets/black plastic to try to light and sound proof the thin roller door, and possibly some weatherseal type strips around the door jambs which lead from the garage into my hallway, and maybe one of them door snake things to seal it up at the bottom.

Probably the biggest obstacle i have to overcome is that every 90 days the whole setup will have to come down, and the room will have to look like a garage full of junk. I'm thinking of buying a garden shed for out the back, the plants can hopefully chill out there for a day every 3 months. Pull it all down the night before chuck a few ozone generators around for any residual smell and hopefully i'll be golden.

Come summer i'll probably look into a water chiller and turning the system to recirculating.

Few photos of the bits and pieces.

My buckets, all wrapped up

Mars II 900w LED, chillen

Both of them linked on turned on... its bright...i have nothing to compare it to...but goddamn its bright.

My collection of nutes.

The reason why i just made an order for a microscope and some decent trimming shears

So, yeah thanks for dropping in and let me know what you think/advice/criticism/whatevs.

Not sure when all my orders will come in, but sometime in the next 2 weeks i think im going to have to decide if I should start up a grow straight away and just shut it all down when i have an inspection..for a day...or wait until a a few weeks before my next inspection to start up, that way there's no dankyness to try to hide. I really have no experience with im not sure if its possible or advisable to, night before inspection, clear out the plants into my garden shed (which i will buy and the landlord wont have access to, and probably line the inside with black plastic for antismell) and bleach wash the tent, pull it all down and chuck some boxes and car parts n shit on top of it all.

its only been like 2 weeks since my last inspection, waiting a couple of months seems like an awfully long time to me right reeeeaaally excited to see some growth.
Looks like you've got the making for a good grow going. I'm a big fan of growing with DWC So I'll be following your grow.Good luck!

:Sharing One:
Stay safe.

I am glad you stopped in to show us your set up so to speak.

I will be keeping tabs here.


So i went down to the local hydro shop this morning and switched out the ISN nutrients i couldn't find any info on for Canna classic grow bloom A+B. I wanted Canna aqua but they dont stock it, they also dont stock any form of CalMag. Bit lame but oh well.

This afternoon my 2mx2mx2.3 tent got delivered, along with some meters some hydroton and my light mover kit.

Public Service Announcement...good luck putting together a tent that size by yourself. I'm sitting at my pc having a smoke and a rest after wrestling with it for ages. Think i can forgo the treadmill tonight put it that way... I'll try to jump on later with some pics of the tent finished. And get some measurements of my plain tap water vs my filtered drinking water.

Oh yeah... that backyard of outdoor got ripped last night. Real sad to see...Still another 2-3 weeks from done, hairs were all white still... Definately some bad karma coming to some people.
So I took a glass of water out of the kitchen tap, and then a glass of water out of our 'puratap'.

EC of tap water is 0.7 ph 7.5
EC of puratap is 0.7 ph 7.3-7.4

Pretty sure the water filter just takes out chlorine and trihalomethanes. 0.7 seems like a fairly high starting EC.

Do you guys think I will have any issues running water like this? I know my lawn grows great and all my mates doing backyard outdoor just water their plants with the hose...
Just found your thread brother, wow. What a nice set up! Can't wait to see this all up and running and producing flowers :)
As far as the tap water goes I think you'll be okay...but always remember to take that into account when feeding the girls and setting the EC. So for example, the the early stages people generally recommend 0.8EC, for you it means setting your res to 1.5EC total. My tap water background EC is 0.4 so I have to do the same thing, the only time I had any problems was when I forgot to consider the background ec :P Best of luck man :peace:
140mm net pots got delivered today. Got out a hobby knife made some holes in my bucket lids for them. Looking pretty good.

Now... Just waiting on my order from herbies and things can really start rolling...its been 10 days now...couple of weekends in the middle...should be any day now though...hopefully.

When i get paid at the end of the week i'll be ordering

And some flat disc air stones and tubing i'll probably pick up from a pet store.

After that all is left to buy is carbon filter and silenced fan + ducting.

I will however have to do a bit of stuffing around with my light mover...its designed to be attached to a flat piece of wood, and my tent is obviously round poles. Not sure if im going to screw a piece of wood up to the poles or make a bit of a frame that holds its own weight. The track and crossbar for the light mover are also exactly 2m long. so i'll be shortening the track by a bit, and shortening the crossbar by a lot also.