Indoor Gidday from Kiwi land

5/9/16, Mmmm things were getting a wee bit tight in the room and a big battle for the light. So threw out the useless LED, 1000watts 3 watt leds and it couldn't even supply 1 plant with enough light 2 ft footprint yeah right, have had it just above plants (like 4 to 6 inches) very poor light . so am back to the HPS 400 and 600 watt in the room with the Autos ,,the light levels are now very good , with the girls in the corners getting good light
Daffy.JPG the first spring bulbs up in the backyard
b4 change.JPG b4 light change.JPG plants were al over the place, light levels weren't great at all, the 2nd photo look worst than it was ,just no flash
hps low plants.JPG HPS tall plants.JPG and I cant get this old camera to take good photos
5/9/16, Mmmm things were getting a wee bit tight in the room and a big battle for the light. So threw out the useless LED, 1000watts 3 watt leds and it couldn't even supply 1 plant with enough light 2 ft footprint yeah right, have had it just above plants (like 4 to 6 inches) very poor light . so am back to the HPS 400 and 600 watt in the room with the Autos ,,the light levels are now very good , with the girls in the corners getting good light
View attachment 626729 the first spring bulbs up in the backyard
View attachment 626761 View attachment 626762 plants were al over the place, light levels weren't great at all, the 2nd photo look worst than it was ,just no flash
View attachment 626764 View attachment 626765 and I cant get this old camera to take good photos

Going great! The photos are getting biiiggggggggggggggg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Are you getting that "How the hell am I going to bend them around the grow room to fit them all in?" feeling yet?
Ummm yes ,,,these where replacements for 6 OG I lost as seeding's,, the sisters are a problem in the making just 3 weeks older than these .one I had to super crop at 22 days as she just when totally off, was over 30 cm higher than her sisters, she is looking just fine now .
BUT talk of girls running wild ,when I started in door growing 18 months ago. I just had some bag seeds , I always name a plant ,not sure why ,,but I called her Messy, see Photos6oz.JPG Messy1.JPG messy2.JPG messy3.JPG messy4.JPG messy5.JPG
8/9/16 We had a very bad storm here last night , had no power most of the night. I guess the girls were a little chilly . Anyway things have been happening some good ,some bad.
Paris has never recovered from the over feeding, back on the 29/8 , she was on just ph 5.8- 6.1 water for 5 or 6 day had a little feed in the morning 10mls to 10 lts of canna a+b
last nite she was like this
paris very ill.JPG

she had water just an hour before this, the stems were not soft or dry. the veins in the leafs are bright red. with red lines running up the main stem. all of the side stems are twisted. But not drooping. Still growing at 4 or 5 cms aday
Paris bath.JPG
so I gave her a big bath 15 lts 5.5 ph water ,,run off was 6.9 for the first half and 6.6 for the second half of the water then gave her 1 teaspoon of golden syrup (similar to mosslass) with 2 lts ph water. Cloesed them up for the night , expecting to see her dead this AM
So this is what I found OMFG
Paris ,,,.JPG
paris top.JPG

I know the light is very diff ,,, but fuck me, she is well her colour is great , she doesn't even look like the same plant . Anyway she and her sisters are 28 days old. At 49 cms she is doing well even after I try to kill her . I have no idea what got in to her yesterday

Nips and Inky both little plants and not in any hurry to do much nips is 31 cm and nips just 30 .they are just starting to show upward growth

Kai one of the OG Kush is with out doubt the biggest and best girl of the group at 54 cm tall, big wide stems and well in to preflowers

they have all been on the water only feed for the week, and slowly, coming back to good health


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Ummm yes ,,,these where replacements for 6 OG I lost as seeding's,, the sisters are a problem in the making just 3 weeks older than these .one I had to super crop at 22 days as she just when totally off, was over 30 cm higher than her sisters, she is looking just fine now .
BUT talk of girls running wild ,when I started in door growing 18 months ago. I just had some bag seeds , I always name a plant ,not sure why ,,but I called her Messy, see PhotosView attachment 627408 View attachment 627409 View attachment 627410 View attachment 627411 View attachment 627412 View attachment 627413

Is this the local New Zealand outdoor ganja grown indoors?
She's a bit crazy, I love it. Must get huge with a long season outside!
11/9/16 Poi.JPG POI LSD Has just come in to flower, at 28 days old and 56 cms high. has put on 20 cms in the last 5 days

NIPS OGKPARIS.JPG Is just a wee little girl, 40cms.Has just started to jump,6 cms in 3 days. Just showing her first Pistils .

INKY OGK INKY...JPG just like Nips she is small 40cm, with 3 cm over night, she is just showing her pistils

KAI OGK KAI..JPG AT 66 cm and just flowering is a lovely plant ,

PARIS OGKPARIS.JPG At 69 cm she is one of the bigger plants ,but is cause of much concern . the 3 pm droop.. I am not sure about what is happening with them. any ideas ? are they really having an afternoon sleep???? lol:greenthumb:


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    ak47 LSD.JPG
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  • LSD and ak47.JPG
    LSD and ak47.JPG
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14/9/16 The girls made their 33rd birthday to day . Seems I shouldn't turn the camera on end to take pics
Inky put on 6cms in 24 hours, at 59 cm she is one of the smaller plants in the grow , she is now in full flower.Inky 14.9.JPG

Nips all so put on 6 cm in 24 hours. She was such a small thing last week ,22cms in the last 5 days . she is now in full flowerNips 14.9.JPG

Poi has almost topped at 69cm has been in flower for 5 days. So much like her taller sister Kai , just shorter Poi 14.9.JPG Poi 14..9.JPG
Kai is a 5*plus plant, with her lovely red and green trunk and stems. putting on 8cms in 24 hours, she is the big mover this week started flowering on the 26th day

Kai 14.9.JPG Kai 14..9.JPG

Paris is the odd girl out, so light and airy. she has in the last week shown great growth 7 and 6 cm 24 hour periods. Has been flowering for 3 days now.

Paris 14..9.JPG Paris 14.9.JPG
They're really ripping along. See you have some lovely 11-pointer leaves!! Wow!!

To flip the photos, first open them on your computer, and then in there rotate them, it'll save it as the new rotated position.