Indoor Gidday from Kiwi land

Opps I forgot to tell about the feed and water
15mls of A+B canna to 10 lts of 5.7 to 5.5 .I am keeping it a little lower as the run off is still a little high
5 mls Cal /mag to 10 lts
they get just PH water every other day
10 mls cannazym to 10 lts ,,,,once aweek
29/8 The girls have been partying . One of them has a root problem I think ,she is lose in the coco
Paris 1.JPG
Paris top.JPG

(wobbles around ) and doesn't look quite right is hard to see ,but her newer leafs are very skinny looking ,very dimpled, the plant looks very open ,and wobbles in the coco . I gave her a 20lts flush of just PH water 5.7 run off was 6.6 . Maybe a dose of cannazym will help ..

Inky at 17cm and 16 days is off and flying. 2 cm last night

Kai suffered an attract from the sanitation department (AKA wet vac) last night ate half of a fan leaf. 3 cm last nite 1 of the better plant in the grow

Poi is just Poi like her name ,meaning food . Is off and climbing
1/9/16 ... 20 days ...OPPS GOT THE FEED BUCKETS MIXED UP
How to bugger up good plants . Simple have two grow rooms, one with photo plants in the middle of flowering on full strength Canna feed along with canna boost at 30mls to 10 lts. Then mix up the buckets with just PHed water and feed the girls for two days. the results are as follows
paris 1.JPG

THE CLAW started to show on the 28/8. Is really worst than she looks. see where the weed eater got her , back right side. I do hope she will come good.
inky 2.JPG

I have doubts she will every be good after this. She along with the other 4 are all on ph water
Kia 2.JPG


Kai is one of the bad ones,
the claw.JPG
Poi 2.JPG

To think I could do all this too the girls in just a few seconds of not looking at what I was doing
Oh, looking very sweet. Their puberty growth spurt is starting, haha!!!!!
I'm interested watching your growth rates -- not to compare / compete,
just to see the difference between your indoor and my lazy outdoor,
cause yours started about the same time as my back up crew.
You're doing great. Sure the feeding issue will sort itself out quickly.
You're not a noob, after all, eh?
The leaf stems on the LSD are really long, huh?
I'm very curious about the LSD and related like White LSD.
Yes, she is a white LSD I got from MSNL seeds, she has just started to offset her growing tips, at 26 days and 33cms high, is just about to flower. She has put on 11CMs in 4 days
ParisParis 1.JPG Paris offsets.JPG she has continued to grow through her, UMMMMM belly belly ,,, the over feeding has caused her to run to flower I think

Kia.JPG 5 cms over night, just starting to see the offset tips and pissals . She has very tall side stems. hopefully she wont get too tall,,lol . she the the plant that took the lest damaged from the over feeding
POI.JPGPoi is the other plant that took little damaged from over feeding and now looks like a nice compact plant , 4 cms over nite. I am trying to turn a bud with Cordial sliver . you can just see the bud by the small white tag. not sure now it will go as she is not far of flowering.
NipsNIPS.JPG AHHH poor little girl , at just 18 cm she is very compact lots of stems ,but little growth upwards . I folded some of the fans under ,to get the stem to move abit

INKY.JPG At 22cms Inky is the 2nd worst plant as far as damaged from the "THE FEEDING". she has managed to grow 4 cm in 4 days . big fans are folded under

All plants are still on a water only diet ,will start to feed again tomorrow. All in all I have 3 very good plants and 2 that are just plants. With some very good lessons thrown in along the way. the Sister plants that are a fortnight older are going along great guns

the whole room the girls over the back have just started to flower. the plant on the right hand side at the door is a white LSD, Maria


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Oh yeah, the white LSD. I bought 5 seeds from the same source a couple of years ago. I wasted the first 3 on my first grow trying to get one to germinate - no luck. I saw that @Maria Sanchez was started some a few weeks ago and decided to give them another go. Again a no go. A shame as I was looking forward to trying the smoke.