Mephisto Genetics Ghosts Mephisto Journey.

Day 52
Is it a bit extreme to be journaling my grow almost every day? Maybe. :shrug:

However, I feel like with autoflowers, each day they bring something new and my dedication to these plants is pretty ridiculous in the perception to others but who cares?:coffee:

We’re at day 52 now and Cosmic Queen is starting to truly stack and fatten up now. Her aromas so far are definitely sweet and sour smarties.


hubbabubbhaze hasn’t frosted up very much but is throwing stigmas like crazy. Fattening up just like cosmic queen though.

Strawberry nuggets or should I say, Purple Nuggets, is stacking and spreading those beautiful hues onto its leaves. frost action going on now.

mace windu is stacking like crazy and is equally throwing more and more frost everyday. Definitely getting some of that limey aromas I would get from my last windu and skywalker.

Grape Queen is definitely giving me a grape crinkle pheno with its strong grape candy smells. I can’t even imagine how prominent it’s going to be once it fully ripens up.

so far, so good, friend? :cheers: @stan_mephisto
Hello friends! Been a bit busy yesterday so I didn’t have much time to sit down and journal my plants day. So here is some photos to make up for the lost time to whoever is reading this ( I appreciate you!)

We have stepped into day 54. Cosmic queen is swelling up nicely with those sweet and sour candy necklace terps that are to die for. Really love the Spacedawg auto they created.

And getting super frosty.

the rest of the family is exploding with growth. More updates to come today!
Day 55
Hello, friends! Here we are at day 55 and things aren’t slow down with these girls. Going absolutely bonkers in my 4x4. Snipped off some leaves at the bottom for better airflow.

Never been more excited. This Cosmic Queen in particular might be my fastest auto. This and strawberry nuggets are being chopped first in a few weeks, it seems.

another shot of cosmic queen cause why not.

Day 57
Hello, friends! It’s been a minute. Apologize for the lack of updates yesterday but getting for a weekend getaway so have been setting up the girls for my absence until Friday morning. Here is a snapshot of strawberry nuggets and that beautiful purple pheno to hype you all up for the limiteds.

absolutely love these hues and it’s definitely giving me a fresh strawberry jam aroma and gas. Mephisto really nailed it with this one.

And here is cosmic queen wearing her heavy crown.

Frosting up and getting chunky as heck with an intoxicating candy necklace smell. One of my favorites.

And one of the whole family, mace windu keeps frosting up nicely too with that renowned skywalker stink.
Day 60
Hello, friends! Been a bit, yeah? No worries! Your ghostly friend is back with some lovely updates in my savage garden of Mephisto. We’ve stepped into day 60. Since I’ve been gone, the girls have been stacking and swelling up beautifully with a lovely berry smell being emitted each time I open the tent. Cosmic queen may be my fastest auto yet. Will most likely be administering the coup de grace next Thursday. Exactly 65 days. Will be taking the jeweler loupe out to check the trichomes since she is throwing less and less white stigmas.

Strawberry nuggets is throwing some pink hues along with its lavender colors and the berry smell is ridiculous. Never had a strain smell like this before. Stacking but still a bit leafy.

The rest of the girls seem like they are gonna be a couple more weeks.
Coup de Grace( chop day!): Cosmic Queen
Cosmic queen got the chop today!

She was throwing less and less stigmas and bracts, opted to check the trichomes with my loupe and all of them were pretty cloudy with a few ambers here and there. Wanted a more cerebral high so I opted to take her down. Also gave the other babies some room in the tent as they finish in the last couple of weeks.


A shot of strawberry nuggets.
Day 64
These girls are doing good as they near the finish line! Strawberry nuggets seems to be next in line for the chop soon. Going to give her another week and we shall see.

Definitely loving the terps from nuggets. Absolutely beautiful Welch mixed berries aroma that triggers some major nostalgia. Had a few problems with mace windu but she seems to be chugging along alright. HBH and her flowers are chunky as fuck but tons of stigmas and not as much frost as the others. It’s nice seeing the difference in lineages/genetics. Cosmic queen is still hanging up to dry and most likely going to jar sometime next week and give a full report and harvest weight in hopes of finally joining the cultivators club! :woohoo:

Another shot of strawberry nuggets

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