NOT the LOBSTER MEAL! Some real stoners over here in Maine and they put a picture of lobster meal instead of the fish bone meal that you actually need. My 5 gallons plants are bigger than my 3g plants and went for a longer period of time without issues, but I would need to aim to amend preventatively not reactively. So I really need to choose a pot size and work on the perfecting the schedule with one type of nutrient line IMO. But my stoner curiosity has me needing to try the recommended 15g for one plant. I think you can definitely stick with a 5g and be successful it will just take a few grows to perfect. And with CoM Stonington as a base I pulled 2oz off 3g pots and expect more from the 5g plants with a slew of rookie mistakes made along the way each time. So I think for personal consumption needs we will all be fine with our plans