New Grower Germination problems (Short Stuff)

  • Thread starter Thread starter Ryanz86
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Hey everyone im having problems with Short Stuffs Himalayan Blue Diesel seeds, i have 5 and only one seed has cracked open, the others look firmly closed :(, i start them off in a cup of water until they sink, wait for them to crack open to plant.. 1 is in a new home :D, the other 4 have sunk but not opened, i have just used a nail file and lightly rubbed the corners of the seeds up and down the nail file so hopefully tht will help..

Has anyone got any advice or come across a similar problem and have helped them along?, just dont want to loose the 4 cuz ShortStuffs HBD looks great!

Thanks peeps
I lightly scuff the edges of seed with a file myself. After you hit them with the file did u put them back in the soak? they should crack for you now hopefully.
Often times cool temperatures will keep seeds from sprouting. If your temps are low, set them some place warm, on top of a hot water heater, a piece of electronics, etc. Anywhere that will keep them in the mid 80s.
Fullauto.. Yeh i took them out of water, scuffed the sides where the seeds crack open and put them back into the same water, really hope it works dude!

Muddy.. I keep them next to my boiler, have done this many times and had great results, also had some moham ram autos in same space, all seeds cracked. Germed in exact same way too..

Cheers guys ill see what happens and hope for the best :)

Keep u updated in nex few days too
I just germinated 10 short stuff seeds. 5 Russian rocket fuel 5 hbd. All 5 rrf germinated in 24 hrs in paper towel method. 4 of 5 hbd seeds germinated still a pretty good ratio overall. 2 of my hbds though are smaller than the others and I am about 2 weeks in.
Hey ryan just curious were those seeds feminized or regular?
Beenjammin.. Yeh dude, short stuff automatic himalaya blue diesel autoflowering feminised seeds is what they are.

Dreamteam88.. Good luck with urs dude hope it goes well for ya! Maybe my seeds are just extremely tough ones..

Well so far the seeds still havnt cracked open which im confused and kinda dissapointed about, they were one of the ones i was looking forward to.. Makes me wonder if these babies dont 'hatch' is it worth getting some more and trying again or just count it as a loss and move to a next variety.. :(, going to give them a few more days and again.. See wht happens.
:D, great news!, out of the 4 beans tht didnt crack open, after using a nail file on the edges of the seeds, 3 of the 4 have cracked open and showing beginning of tails!!

So happy!!! Hehe, few more posts jus to see if they sprout up from the soil then ill prob start a diary on them!
Great! We'll be looking forward to see how they do for you. If you're new to growing, start your journal over in the New Growers forum and we'll help you have a successful grow.