New Grower Genetics that yields


Grow wherever I go
May 7, 2016
Reaction score
It's 2016 and there are so many auto strains, one can't simply grow them all.

Let's talk about yields:

To make it simple, what auto strain would you choose to grow if your goal was to get maximum dry weight.

Remember! You can't choose the setup. It may be 1000 hps 1 plant DWC scrog or 300led 10 plants soil SOG.

All you can choose is (auto)strain to get maximum. We don't care about THC or CBD here. Only final weight.

What would you choose? My choice would be AU from DP.

remember when talking auto yield, yield per plant is only one consideration, the other being yield per year. If it gets 300g but takes an extra month I'm about even.
Dutch passion strains are high yielders, but they lack potency. Also, 12-14 week auto... Naaah, I would rather grow photofem for 14 weeks.
My last Royal Queen's "Royal AK" bestowed upon me 4.25
Dutch passion strains are high yielders, but they lack potency. Also, 12-14 week auto... Naaah, I would rather grow photofem for 14 weeks.

I am going to call shinanigans on this one!! I have grown out hundreds of strains in my 25 years of growing, and DP's gear stands up to anything I have grown.(this year I grew out 11 different Dp strains, 7 were photos and 4 were autos)

Oh back to the original already know the answer! Auto Ultimate for mass yield! Its some fine bud too!
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Density on this bud is only midgrade...but this plant living with only 7 hours of sun outdoors, I certainly am not complaining!!