Genetically manipulated Cannabis

Many of these modification techniques seem needlessly over complicated. precise engineering and selection of "perfect" genes is exactly what I was hoping to avoid with a nonsensical approach like poisoning my seed and hoping for the best. genetic manipulation is very slightly different than genetic modification. interesting to see where else this course may lead in the future. I quite enjoy most cannabis plants already, but to be on the cutting edge of something many people fear would be exciting.
I found something interesting:

"Polyploidy is a genetic mutation that causes a change in the chromosome count, which in the plant world leads to many new and useful traits. Take wheat for example, ancient wheat was a common diploid like you or me, meaning it has 2 sets of chromosomes. At some point a mutation happened in the wheat which doubled it's chromosome count, so now it's a tetraploid, and has 4 sets of chromosomes. This lead to bigger seeds and other qualities. If you know your flours it'd be like spelt is the diploid and semolina is a tetraploid. Then later on in history wheat had another ploidy change and now has 8 sets of chromosomes and that is like your common bread wheat. Ploidy change can produce many different traits such as larger seeds and fruit and many others. Triploids are where we get our seedless fruit, they're the result of a tetraploid and diploid breeding. Because of the 2 sets and 4 sets from the parents they end up with 3 sets of chromosomes and are sterile and the seeds abort, that's why seedless fruit have baby seeds. It's also why Triploid cannabis would kinda suck because it wouldn't be seedless it would have little nubby bullshit seeds. As far as I know there is no confirmed polyploid cannabis, although a little digging reveals buddha seed co claims to have polyploids and they have microscope pics of cells that appear to show polyploidy, so idk, I've never really heard much on that past Buddha seeds claims."

So for recreational it could be worthwhile to pursue it, because you can bet the corporate cannabis monster will definitely be doing it.

My personal opinion in regards to medicinal use Cannabis, I think traditional Cannabis should be preserved for it's naturally evolved medicinal properties. If we look at Dr. Sebi's research in regards to eating for cellular health, we see a link between these polyploidy foods (seedless watermelon, wheat, etc) and increases in inflammation within the body from consuming them. Just an interesting overlap I noticed when reading the list of polyploidy foods
Absolutely, no one persons experiments are ever going to remove traditional cannabis plants from existence. Even Buddhas polyploidy project doesnt seem to have much going on, but theyre doing something.