@bushmasterar15 week 3
@bushmasterar15 @Rev. Green Genes

My week 4 update is better than the last. They both (White Widow and Pineapple Express) recovered and grew well. Thanks to drier weather this past week.

Seedsman White Widow Auto

Fastbuds Pineapple Express

My plant chosen for this battle is gonna be Seedsman White Widow Auto. Seems fitting for a white belt grower like me. Not to mention my first battle ever.

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@bushmasterar15 I think I will go with the BombSeeds THC Bomb as she was donated for the grow battle and my Autoseeds Purple Stilton was donated for a journal. I will continue to post both. Game on and a bit of a gamble, bird in the hand and all that.

Sent from my comfy chair.
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@bushmasterar15 w4 here is my heavyweight fully loaded on the right at day 41 sorry pics arnt the best but I've got 4 girls in autopots so moving them no easy task I will add some more when I defoliate
the back girls
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