Here's my double grape and one gold glue other didn't make it. The hydro is very slow for some reason. Thinking i made add a touch of mc and see how she does
I'm a newb and have not read this anywhere, but aren't we not supposed to reveal how breeders/seedbanks stealth package seeds?

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Was not aware if this was a thing.
Ok. A bit confused.
Who's in charge of the short stuff portion of this community battle?
I believe it will be started in here for now. Unless @Mossy @Ripper post up another thread just for the Short Stuff section of the battle. There could possibly be the new grow battle software testing for this one.
Was not aware if this was a thing.

I was actually kinda asking for clarification instead of stating it as a fact. I'm not sure myself. But kinda makes sense that if the method is publicized, it wouldn't be as safe and stealthy anymore.

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