Dragon Meds GearBear's Dragon Den

Jan 13, 2015
Reaction score
The lid said New Dragon F1...

I wanted to post this today so I have a record of Dates. Today I put in 3 seed to germ 1-18-15.

I will be growing with:
aquaponic water (alive with microbial)/ bubbleponics
growmore products
100 W Induction Light
3' Cabinet (that I do not have dialed in yet)

We'll watch and see what happens. Hoping for at least 2 females. I may need to prune one to keep in space to finish and transfer the other to a much larger space to fully go at it. 1 male (if made) will be kept to seed a branch and harvest pollen to breed with in future.
I think those may be karma dragons

Sending some girly karma for Them gear bear :Sharing One:
Subb'd up for this one GB! Girly karma your way! In this instance, I hope karma's a bitch!:smoke:
Everyone should have at least one dragon in their garden! :Sharing One:
Here are a few pictures :niceshot:eek:f my setup. I will be taking out the power strip in the back. I just needed a splitter but didn't have one on hand.

20150119_202401.jpg100w 5000k Induction :cool:
20150119_202349.jpgThermostat to keep cabinet warm with small heater. This would have been a whole lot better if it had a length probe so I could put it outside of the cabinet.
20150119_202339.jpgmini humidifier
20150119_202520.jpgexternal thermometer (reading is off bc I had the cabinet open) to see how temps are at a glance when I pass by.

20150119_202604.jpg20150119_202323.jpg 36" cabinet. I also have a 15w submersible heater in the bucket.... just in case (the heater and the light are off or fail)... It can get cold where it is at.
20150119_202458.jpg20150119_202509.jpg whisper air pump, twist controller, also an auto fan controller with probe, surge protector, and ballast.

This should be mostly automated... just change the water, dump in a few nutes, and trim up the girls when they come.
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1-23-15 RE-GERM

Changing the Dragon to RSV #6 f2 Dragons (I have a fair amount of these). Here's to RSV :Sharing One: These seed appear much more like kush-type seed. Large and fat. Does anybody know the genetics on these?
Pretty sure I grew one of these out in my last grow and it got huge... but still quick.

The other Dragon seeds tried to hatch and stopped. I did use a little chamomile in their germ water. I'm guessing another fungi or bacteria is in my old rapid rooters. I have just 4 more of those seed so I will hold back until germ has improved.

This time... I'm shaving them a little, dropping them in slightly warm distilled water, into a loose paper towel, in a ziplock, between plates, and in an area that will be from 65-75 degrees. Hopefully successful germ with long taproot. I will then transfer to sterilized expanded shale and into the bucket.
I think there's red bad Betty in it not sure which dragon he used

Here's to rsv1 :Sharing One:

I just soak 24 hours in a cup covered and on the cable box and get a cracked shell with a small tail every time when I used to use paper towel I loss lots of seeds

Is this the same set up fed by the fish pond like before ?
:Sharing One: rsv, miss you tons brother!
Man am I excited to say the least to watch these! It will be like watching a part of rsv :) I also have some of the dragons he was working on, which I plan on popping once I have a tent I can use just for them, as I also want to continue rsv's dragons :) always keep him in the garden type of thing :)

like pops said, always good to have a dragon in the garden... Good protection and mojo :) :karma Cloud: of :gthumb: May this grow be blessed by the canna goddess, sending burnt offerings... :Sharing One:
Is this the same set up fed by the fish pond like before ?

It will be similar but not constantly feed by it. I will be changing it out every week. Dump in my system and get another bucket and add a little Growmore. type deal. Bubbleponics.

Red Bad Betty sounds right as he was looking for circulation and trying to increase the overall pain relief effect of the dragon too. Hmmm, not sure what dragon he crossed. Dirty Dragon was making it's rounds at that time, so was some of the blacks. Not sure... I'm almost for sure I just grew this and it got huge. We'll know soon enough. Hopefully! Thanks Sniper.

rsv, miss you tons brother!
Man am I excited to say the least to watch these! It will be like watching a part of rsv :) I also have some of the dragons he was working on, which I plan on popping once I have a tent I can use just for them, as I also want to continue rsv's dragons :) always keep him in the garden type of thing :)

like pops said, always good to have a dragon in the garden... Good protection and mojo :) :karma Cloud: of
May this grow be blessed by the canna goddess, sending burnt offerings...

Welcome Yoda! RSV, JM, Sniper, and NC420 were probably the guys I got closest to on here. Family. RSV and I had a very special relationship as well. Any news of him? I contacted him a few times after I ghosted for a while but then I haven't heard since.