Indoor GBD's SuperSoil SuperTrial


Rocky Mountain...High
Apr 14, 2014
Reaction score
Yup! You read correctly :)

GBD has been gracious enough to hook myself, as well as Briman and Eyes On Fire (Yeah, the organic AllStar, EoF),
up with some of his SuperSoil premix to run some informal trials. :)

If you've seen gbd's SuperSoil thread, you know why this is an exciting opportunity.

I'll let gbd divulge the level of disclosure that he feels comfortable with regarding it's make-up
suffice to say that he may not be up for complete disclosure as this is an on-going endeavor for
him and he may consider it proprietary. So don't hold your breath for a line-for-line accounting
of the recipe. ;) but I believe it is completely Organic :)

I'll also let Briman and EoF introduce what they plan on doing, I'm not the emcee, just the guy
starting the thread.

I would like to respectfully request, however, on everyone's behalf, that we not allow
this thread to degrade into a debate as to whether SuperSoil premixes are "trustable"
or "advisable" as a purveyor or customer. I think it's perfectly fine to discuss the pro's
and con's of this particular pre-mix. But if you want to debate the validity of pre-mixes
in general...please, start another thread.

I envision this thread being 3 growers documenting their experience with a fellow AFNer's
labor of love. It truly is (IMHO) gbd's honest goal to make it easier for people to grow
their own meds and to hit the ground running w/o a bunch of homework first AND to offer
an easy way for those with limited mobility and strength to tend a personal garden with
only the simple task of watering a plant...Offering a vastly improved probability of success.

I think it's going fun and I can't wait for this thread to get into full swing!​
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So here's what I germed for the Trials:

Sweet Seeds Devil Cream
HSO Blue Dream Auto
Mephisto Genetics White Triangle


Below is what I amended ALL the FF Happy Frog soil with...

Garden Lime
Chunky Perlite
Fine Perlite
Great White Mycos

Here's all the soil for 3X 2 gal equiv. airpots

and all amendments except supersoil...

mixed up...

Then I pull enough to fill the bottom 1/3 of each pot into another container...

add gbd's "go-go powder"...

Mix it up...
Fill the bottom 1/3 of each pot with supersoil mix
top the rest of the pot off with regular amended FFHF.

And other than bubbled Primo - These are the only things going into the pot this grow....

Small amounts of Organic Big Bloom and CaMg+

and towards the end, I picked up some Roots Organic HPK Bloom Booster/Finisher...just
in case the Supersoil is starting to weaken a bit there at the end.

So that's MY game plan, can't wait to see what Bri and Eyes have in mind

Cheers! and WELCOME!

"AFN smoke out"

EDIT: Something I noticed that I missed...

Each pack of pre-mix that gbd gave me supercharges 2 gallons worth of soil.
Which, as luck would have it, is exactly how much I needed to fill the bottom
1/3 of 3X 2 gal airpots. (which are actually 1.6 gal out of the box and 1.8 gal
once you move the bottom disc down to the lowest available row of the sidewall.)

So 2 gal. vs. 1.8 gal....equals "close enough for rock and roll" :)
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Looking forward to this guys...:Cool bud:
Good luck guys it will be fun watching this all play out. Best of luck
Thanks, too!

If I get anything approaching 70% of the success indicated in gbd's supersoil thread, I'll be tickled pink.

I'll be running much smaller pots so I'm not expecting the same plants. But I would like to see the
early development that gbd is experiencing.
Trapper, my hat's off to you! You're the perfect spokesperson, far more eloquent than I could ever dream of being! Thank you for the lovely introduction. I couldn't ask for a better set of test growers for this endeavor! All feedback is good feedback. Thank you so much! I'm sure Eyes and briman will be along to join in the fun shortly.

:Sharing One:
Subbed, as a new grower to have you three guys all in one thread bouncing of each other is going to be amazing to watch and learn.
Trapper, my hat's off to you! You're the perfect spokesperson, far more eloquent than I could ever dream of being! Thank you for the lovely introduction. I couldn't ask for a better set of test growers for this endeavor! All feedback is good feedback. Thank you so much! I'm sure Eyes and briman will be along to join in the fun shortly.

:Sharing One:

Thanks! and Thanks for the opportunity. I intend to do it justice :)
What a place AFN... group testing.. way to expedite the whole process..."AFN smoke out"