Indoor GA's Short Stuff's testers list. 'Shortstuff Testers Wanted'

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After seeing all these beauties it makes me embarrassed and don't even want to show my ugly girls anymore lol

You guys are killing it!! :d5:
shum:shrug:it don't matter:nono: anytime you try to match what some other grower is doing, your asking for trouble.
everyone invest's in various levels of equipment, and nutrients. i cant afford to use advanced nute's, I cant afford to have state of the art panel's and all the best of everything. and neither can you. so we both do the best we can and be happy! :bighug:with that.:cheers:
I'm not worried about trying to match anyones grows or anything like that i just want a nice purdy plant for once lol

Anyways i had to end up topping both plants to keep them in range of the current box,The stretch these things were putting on was unreal :nono:

Starting to fill out and looks like should end up with some nice little chunky monkeys if i can keep them semi healthy :rofl:

on a 65 day cycle were half way through this grow. I know some will take longer, but I had 100% germ rate, all showed sex by day 20, all have started to flower, two are big girl's at thirty inch's, one a little smaller. but healthuy. over all a very good run for midpoint. its all bud porn from here!:woohoo:
@Loki :toke:sweet looking "batch o bitch's" :drool:
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