Indoor GA's Short Stuff's testers list. 'Shortstuff Testers Wanted'

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my three have completely different structure, all three are reaching for the light , and are going to be real tall, not as much leafy matter as the rest, but maybe make it up later:shrug: as I look at the dr feelgood she has some small budsites started:thumbsup:hod is 26 inchs, hbd is 24 inchs, dr f is at 16 inchs:pass:
in the tent where they are, there are three led panel's a vipar and two blackstars, for a total of ( manufactures ) claim of
735 watt's. but they are sharing with three big girl's in the tent and are on 16/8 for one of the other plants. from the look of your plants your spot on, where it is:thumbsup:mine are stretching because of the crowding of the other plant's. one has been cut, so now there is a little more room. I would prefer a 20/4 light schedule. but the fairybreath is to important to me. :cheers: p.s. you could have raised the light to get more stretch. if you have room, ? if I remember right your already maxed with the 1200 watt.
Yes sir she is at max height... I'm happy with the HOD structure but the HBD is squaty.....but I think it could just be a smaller strain.... well find put next run I'll be popping the "white n bubbly" from mephisto and the ones I have seen from Marg and T9 are leggy and branchy with. Ice buds so I'm excited to give them a go
Ladies are looking good Loki :headbang:

The HOD is pretty consistent between all growers...

For being a new cross i'm pretty shocked,Usually see a couple different phenos but looks like this one is pretty dialed in.

Really really kicking myself in the ass,These dam things are so much trouble being in these damn small pots lol

One small mistake and it affects it almost immediately and takes forever to remedy it,Trying out Tangs easy auto recipe as i only have my connoisseur bloom to use right now but even at lowest feeds looks like its too much nitrogen for them :nono:

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