Indoor GA's Short Stuff's testers list. 'Shortstuff Testers Wanted'

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day six update here's the little lady's:thumbsup:and some pics of what they get over there life.

Mines a 90x90cm gonna do 11ltrpots but i under stand these like to stay smallish tho if i need i have another dedicated auto tent i will have space in tgere if anything decides to get too big.

Tho still
Advance leds cree xml 350w

Mars pro upto 700w
And that from the wall :)
don't underestimate these. Short Stuff in name only has been my experience ;)

@loki125, badges like the ones under my avatar are given on AFN for various reasons by mods... the ones you can earn directly are seed supporter badges... if you grow out and journal an AFN affiliated breeders seed you get there badge at the end of that grow.... short stuff is an affiliate of dope seeds... upon completing this grow you will receive the dope seed badge like the one under my avatar.
now theres something you don't see everyday, a guest mod and a big ol' gold 3 TIME BOM winner badge. I will be watching this run folks
I'll get a picture update here hopefully later, but had some problems with the Orange D damping off. Pretty ticked, that's the one I was excited for. Seeing some heads popping up on the Blue D, we'll see what happens!

Running in pure coco at the moment!
I know its early but So far the blue diesel has shown the strongest growth and perfectly symmetrical..... the feelgood has been the smallest and shown small abnormal growths at times.... good thing I planted 3 of them lol
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