
IceWater Mephisto x2 ( Journal )
Mar 2, 2016
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Blackberry Kush
Hey guys had a question I would like to hear your ideas on . How to get rid of fungus nates . I so far have used insectisdal soap and put yellow sticky traps down . Don't have a crazy out break just a few that I have seen . Came and checked yellow sticky traps and caught one lol . Hoping to hear how the auto flower community takes this little buggers out
I had them this round, almost killed one of my plants. I added a dose of SM-90 to the water can and it worked well. Also top sprinkled Mosquito Bits on the soil. It inoculates in Bt-i--bacteria thuringiensis, israeliensis. Yeah, that's a mouthful. Let's call it Bti, a beneficial bacteria that wipes out the gnat grubs in your soil.

The bits are the granular version of mosquito Dunks, same product
:smoking: Medi's got it! (Neem will work, but it doesn't last)... Bt variants are used in several products for caterpillars, grubs, etc.,...Many places that carry pond supplies will have granular bits, which hands down work best for this application,... Bonide brand is at OSH, if that helps,... If you want to speed the bacterial activation up, you can make a brew of sorts... you don't have to soak the soil deeply for this inoculation, BTW.... for 1gal water, chlorine free, I put in a fat tablespoon of molasses, and a dash of whatever nutes they're getting at the time, and about 1.5T of the granules (Bonide); mix well, and put it someplace warm, light doesn't matter either way; bubbling is good if you can,... give it a day or so for them to wake up and get busy, stirring now and again if not bubbling.... then for pots about 3gal., I pour in a pint or so of the suspension, granules included... that's it! usually, as an outdoor grower, this treatment lasts several weeks,...repeat as needed, no harm possible here,...
i also have a problem with these but not so much now it came already in my canna bio soil its litrally the only possable way they got in , i jst use fly traps have fans on the soil 2 dry out the top inch or 2 and kill each fly i find bye hande it takes a while but theres a big improvement i havent seen any lavy at all jst the flys i look more than 1ns a day for them but now form having say 30 plus a day i was killing 2 now maybe 3 a day with no effects 2 my grow at all, but i refuse 2 buy anything 2 fix this as im doing a budget grow thats also my first grow just 2 prove a point all in tent soil ferts everything is less than 200 totall and thats with a 600wLED and 2 b honest its coming on amazingly well and im told this cant b done lol i dnt even PH the water nothing and so far its going fantastic my oldest plant is just on its 4th week from planting the bean a gsc also a week later 2 NL and a week after that a fast and vast all fantastic so far the gsc is budding like mad already im astonished my self even ogh and water direct from the tap non off thiw 24hr cr-p just trying 2 prove a point insert and extraction fans even in the same room not going anywhere exept around and around and its going great so basicly everything im told not 2 do im doing with so far brilliant results lights on in 1hr if any 1 wants a few pics just send a message and u can see what i mean cheers
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i also have a problem with these but not so much now it came already in my canna bio soil its litrally the only possable way they got in , i jst use fly traps have fans on the soil 2 dry out the top inch or 2 and kill each fly i find bye hande it takes a while but theres a big improvement i havent seen any lavy at all jst the flys i look more than 1ns a day for them but now form having say 30 plus a day i was killing 2 now maybe 3 a day with no effects 2 my grow at all, but i refuse 2 buy anything 2 fix this as im doing a budget grow thats also my first grow just 2 prove a point all in tent soil ferts everything is less than 200 totall and thats with a 600wLED and 2 b honest its coming on amazingly well and im told this cant b done lol i dnt even PH the water nothing and so far its going fantastic my oldest plant is just on its 4th week from planting the bean a gsc also a week later 2 NL and a week after that a fast and vast all fantastic so far the gsc is budding like mad already im astonished my self even ogh and water direct from the tap non off thiw 24hr cr-p just trying 2 prove a point insert and extraction fans even in the same room not going anywhere exept around and around and its going great so basicly everything im told not 2 do im doing with so far brilliant results lights on in 1hr if any 1 wants a few pics just send a message and u can see what i mean cheers

Ok where to start with this I am not sure but I guess I will start by asking, if this is your first grow why would you do everything you have been advised not to do? There is a reason why folks(especially here) give advice. It is not to toot our own horns and show folks how much of a "master grower" we are, but instead to actually inform you(the new grower) what we have had experience with and what has been successful. The reason we do this is so that you do not have to go through some of the hardships of growing top quality cannabis.

My next question is this are you wanting to get top quality smoke or are you trying to prove a point, if so to who because I think I can speak for most here that we don't care(I am being as nice as possible when I say this as we are a jovial bunch here) we all want to see everyone succeed and get the best grown autoflowering cannabis they can. You will not get a badge for not using your pH meter or any of the other things you are doing "wrong"

Now with all that being said here is the reason you want to first and foremost use a pH meter, the long and short of it is that plants in Veg will show greats signs of growth and you may not do a thing. Trust me when I say that if you don't check your pH(unless you use Advanced nutrients pH perfect and have tested it multiple times to know that it is stable) your plant will not only most likely suffer during flowering it will most likely die.

Next up is the "24 hr crap" the reason you want to let tap water sit out is because it has Bleach in it, yep chlorine is nothing but bleach. If you have ANY organic material in your soil it is dead and will not support a microbial environment in your soil which is ultimately what you want.

I don't understand what you mean by the fan setup but if it is keeping your temps down awesome!! I know this all may sound a little harsh and trust me I am not trying to be mean spirited and I say all of this only because I have been growing for a long time and had to learn the hard way. I want to follow along with your grow and help in any way I can. If you have the spirit to "break all the rules" lol then you must have a passion for growing and I only want to see YOU succeed. I have already succeeded and therefore get the greatest joy out of passing along knowledge to other folks, as you will find is the case with most here at AFN.

People like @Waira are some of the most knowledgeable on the planet so you will only get top shelf advice here. If you follow the veterans advice here there is only one thing that will happen, you will grown the best autoflowering cannabis on earth period!
Thanks for all the advise and tips on how to knock these little m.f out of existence lol. I went down a little while ago to see that the sticky traps had took a few more out. First time dealing with them I'm use to dealing with thrips . These gnats have no fear of me at all lol fly right into my led when I'm checking on girls . I have one hydro store in my area open on Sunday's called them and they said diaticmous earth defiantly spelt that wrong lol but said throw some of that down and it shreds larva . I have a half bottle of neem kicking around but it's proabably 14months old think it's still good ? Don't see a expiry date on back. Going to see if I can track down the products waira mentioned above . He's saved me before in the pest with my blackberry lush auto
Thanks for all the advise and tips on how to knock these little m.f out of existence lol. I went down a little while ago to see that the sticky traps had took a few more out. First time dealing with them I'm use to dealing with thrips . These gnats have no fear of me at all lol fly right into my led when I'm checking on girls . I have one hydro store in my area open on Sunday's called them and they said diaticmous earth defiantly spelt that wrong lol but said throw some of that down and it shreds larva . I have a half bottle of neem kicking around but it's proabably 14months old think it's still good ? Don't see a expiry date on back. Going to see if I can track down the products waira mentioned above . He's saved me before in the pest with my blackberry lush auto

1 u do not need 2 ph ur water with canna bio and nuits its self regulated 2 the lights that r said 2 b usless are actually very gd 3 its producing much faster than hps i am a proffesionall grower just not in cannabis so yes its also 2 prove a point so far this is faster and better than any hps grow i have seen, the gsc is even looking like a 8/10 week from start 2 finish which im told is impossable and also we have the best water on earth here its a fact just because u spend thousands dnst mean u produce a better product this is what i wanna prove and so far it working extreemly well also everything exept light is 100 percent oerganic i dnt see a problem in ythis as i havent ever seen this been done b4 thats why maybe now u will see why im doing this!! live and learn thats all if it screws up its my own fault i dnt deny that if i turns out gd then many ppl will b eating there words which isnt why im doing it its more that cheap dsnt mean crap 2 b blunt also im not in this for rep or badges ect
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