Day 73

feeding every 20-24 hours
1/1/0/8 per gal calmag/micro/grow/bloom

I figured I would talk about the terpenes on both strains. Ghost toof smells really sweet and fruity like candy and reminds me of GSC a little. Very sticky and pretty colors and much more density than my last grow to this point. Walter White has more of a chemical gassy smell mixed with pine-sol. Both seem like they would be great smoke I can't wait to sample!


She's over her potassium fit. I should have named her Carrie after the horror movie because she gets flaming pissed off.

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I hope she fills in and if she does she will be a beauty. Part of me thinks these will finish a little sooner than last time.
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They are looking great FA! Won't be long before you are BIP (bud in pipe)! I love the colors and structure of the plants. Should be some tasty stuff!
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Thanks @davisgirl !

This megacrop sounds interesting. It seems like once you think you got it down the nutes say nope you will learn something new. I train my plants then they train me lol!
Every plant has its own challenges and the longer you grow the more problems you will come across and overcome. The most devastating being pests and disease. I rarely get them but when I do its always horrible and can take out a whole grow and are very hard to get rid off once you get them. Exspecially in a perpetual grow. Pests and disease are always present looking for a host even if you can't see them yet.
Ya I’ve been busy I should have my good photos up tomorrow. Here’s a couple phone shots while watering earlier.
