Mephisto Genetics Full Tent Of HubbaBubba

only in the early stage, use cold water, the nettle poison is the active component. heard about the onion or even garlic version but prefer nettle since its everywhere
Population control on the gnats has proven successful so far still got the bastards springing up everywhere though, the plants don't seem to be effected. I will be starting a light feed of rooting stim soon and will probably introduce sensi grow a+b next week but for now it's just plain water still

Day 11





Group shot
Currently doing a few Hbss myself and always had good yields previously.

As for the gnats, they are little f**kers to get rid of, had them a couple of years ago using garden centre compost.
Tried many different things and found the large yellow sticky sheets very effective at controlling their numbers.
Also a layer of sand about an inch thick helps to stop the breeding cycle, but they will burrow all the way to the bottom of the pot or with airpots, I imagine just come out the sides.
Was also recommended cinnamon which actually worked pretty well and is naturall so all good.

Ultimately they will affect yield, but control them, finish the grow and use some sterile soil for the next grow, good luck
with everything.
You can always put the airports in nylon stockings (pantyhose) to block the gnats entry into the side holes, very effective.
Thanks guy for the advice I'm still battling the little bastards and their numbers are growing :cuss: but it's manageable I laced a little cinnamon and a bit of stinging nettle water so fingers crossed I can have a break through, I may be transporting to the tent early than expected to try and lose em if that works lol anyways onto today update on the girls

The girls have been doing good I need opinion on whether they have been effected or not, usually my girls are bigger by now so could be the gnats finally taking its toll does it show any signs on leafs ?

Day 14









Group shot


Due to moving the plants around a lot I have lost count of who's who so other than [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] all will be labeled randomly till they're in the tent
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Hi, if you move them near any other plants they will be affected as well.

Personally, I would say the girls look ok, but mine did as well, but final yield was definitely down on usual, plus having any pest in your grow just helps to spoil the moment.

I would put a yellow sticky sheet just where you have your monitor, resting on the pots, I used to have about 30 gnats a day at first and ended up with about 1-2 every 3 days. The gnats love yellow, just remove one sticky side at a time and they work best resting on the pots. Just be careful, I caught leaves several times when in flower, mainly through the fan blowing them into my girls.

They also make a gnat- off which is supposed to work well, if I remember rightly it works in a different way to neem oil etc, but I have never used. I only ever buy plagron light now, 1 bag costs the same as three from the garden centre, but I love the stability of it through the grow and after 2 years of using it, no pests.

Good luck.
@baj thanks man I'm getting myself some of the sticky tape tomorrow I don't think I have 30 gnats flying around yet so hopefully it does some justice, used the plagron soil loads of time great light soil does the job a treat but have swayed towards gold label special mix love that it has a high peat content and it's easy since my local hydro place does it, as for gnats that was my fault for leaving it outside for a whole year :/
When i had the gnat problem I put a generous layer of perlite on top of the soil and sprayed it with pymethrin every 3 days. They were gone soon after but the damage was done. I scraped the plants. Now its all about prevention. Spraying with Pymethrin when they are seedlings. Never let the gnats get established.
Sorry for the delay on getting here. Happy to see things taking off for you. As for the gnats I'd just hang those sticky yellow cards. Inexpensive and effective. Happy to see how you make out with the hbbs.