Fuggzy's little happy trees!


Perfectly Flawed
Oct 15, 2015
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Hi guys Fuggzy here! :welcome:This is just a continuation of my last thread. https://www.autoflower.org/threads/...ic-soil-fabric-pots-and-a-lot-to-learn.47897/ That thread started in the outdoor section, got moved to organics, and was titled towards a specific grow. It is a bit misleading to my current growings ons. I would like to have this thread be more about my growing in general, and figured a better title was needed. To save a bit of typing, this is from my previous thread:
A bit about me. I'm a proud father to a lil' boy and girl. My wife just kick ass. Shes the corner stone here, and I'm okay with that. I have a sailors mouth so lets the F bombs go, but please keep this thread "clean". I don't tolerate disrespect towards women at home, and don't think I should have to here either. Dirty jokes, and good humor are great, but direct insults are better left else where. Besides my women, and my buds, I love to cook, and did so professionally for 11 years. I will also be getting my master gardeners certificate next year. I've always been in to plants in general.

I love to read people thoughts and suggestions. I am very open to constructive criticism, and advice, but ask that you not get offended if I chose not to use that advice. There are many way to go about what we are doing, and some times whats good for the goose is not good for the gander.

The soil is a basic organic peat mix. It is 1 I got from ICmag, and have altered a bit. I have a lot of natural resources, and try to add what I can to build the soil up. I also am currently using 5 different worm casting with the idea of adding more diversity.
I live in FL in what I like to call my cypress swamp oasis. It is beautiful, with lots of trees, flowers, and wild life. We have a few bears, at least 1 panther, and tons of smaller critters. Snakes... We got snakes. My back yard happens to back up to a wildlife preserve.

I have many different genetics now, and am growing both autos and photos. I am also working on a breeding project with photos, and autos trying to add some different traits to the mix. I am still using the above mentioned soil, but have got a decent amount of soil amendments the last couple months. I feel comfortable saying the soil has just been getting better. I also have a worm farm and a rabbit fert factory. I would like to reintroduce Chief Thurgood Carbonfoot of the Clan Coldpoop, direct desendant of Thurgood Jenkins. From my understanding, Carbonfoot was an illegitimate child from when Jenkins was working as a janitor it his younger days.

My lights are all over the place right now. I have a micro cab running a diy led fixture at ~39 watts in 143² inches. I have a small tent (16"x16"x48") with 70ish watts of cfl. In the next couple of days I will have a 150 watt hps to go in my 4'x2' tent. With that hps I am going to have another diy led fixture. I prefer led all the way, but ya how that budget thing goes. I believe in working with what you've got. GO GO Gadget DIY mobile! The first thing I do is try to make it. Although there is that tipping point of time being money, so I have been buying more than building recently.

Anywho... I hope you guys enjoy the pics, and scripts. Feel free to chime in at any time I'm always down for some shit shat. Now I leave you with a few pics of my current goings ons. Till later, take care.:smoking:

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Happy Saturday guys. I've had some pc issues switching to win10 so I couldn't post any pics. Everything is going pretty well, and as planned for the most part. I am putting the scrubber/fan in the 4x2 tent today, as well as the hps. Doing a trandplant on the gsc, and drying out my clones soil. I lost 1 from stem rot. I was thinking about putting them in another 2oz cup with some rice in the bottom, suck some of the moisture up.

*Azure rocket & Crystal dwarf*
Both of these ladies are doing great! I have enjoyed watching them a lot. I expect to grow them ~11-14 more days, maybe more. They are both 53 days old today. I'm torn on this micro growing, these will be long gone before my next harvest, but man is it fun. I guess I can still enjoy it with micro breeding!:thumbsup:

AR has a very sweet berry foreground and a sweet/funky mango'ish (tropical/sweet) background. Besides the gsc this is the strain I am going to do 1st for my next auto run. 2-3 of these in 3.5 gallon pots should be a nice return.

DSCN1611.JPGDSCN1614.JPG I couldn't get the depth of the purple, its much prettier than the pic is making it. Same thing for CD, camera just didn't want to work with me.

CD almost has no smell, even on stem rubs its pretty lite. She just kinda smells like good green, nothing impressive, but not bad. Although small her main cola is pretty big as far as proportions go.

*Cord verde*
So I am now pretty happy I kept the plant in the cab. Although it has now taken over 2 spots. The supercrop went well, and has healed nicely. I have had to adjust her LST twice now to try and keep her level. I think she is abut done stretching. This thing has ~10 tops on ~10"of plant! The mutant is obviously 1/2 beast too! She also naturally grew with almost no lower brush. I don't know if that genetics or mutation, but it has come in handy.


I'll try to add some pics of the amnesia photo, and clones on the next post. Also the next setup I hope! So for now I bid you adieu. Take care.:smoking:
Welcome to Fuggys fun house folks. (I never know how to start a post. I always feel like I should say hi, so... HI!) Today was the first full day for the new plants in the new setup. For the most part everything is going okay. I ran the tent for 24hrs to get a feel on the temp, and it did not break 8Of. So far the average temp is 76f.

I ended up running both tents on 1 fan/filter setup. I simply ran some ducting from 1 to the other. The is constant air flow through the duct, and at the intakes of the smaller tent (passive exhaust). The fan is being ran at ~40% power, and there is a negative pressure in both tents. I know this may not be the best , but it is what I have for the moment. The small tent is only 16"x16"x48" so when I went to put my filter in it, I had 1.5" to work with and had no ducting. A vertical mount would have taken about 15" of plant height. If I end up having any heat or smell issues I will look for a smaller filter, but for now I just hope it works.:biggrin:

^^ that is the duct that connects the tents.

I need to get another ducting piece, so for now the fan rest on a box!

Here are the ladies ready for their 1st night (last night) in their new home. The back left is Fastbuds GSC, the other 2 large pots are just soil for seeds I'm soaking now. They will be another Azure Rocket, and a Spumoni which is also by Afterthought Seeds. The 2oz cup on the pot (left) is another Shamans auto, (right) is a random bagseed photo, both are just for fun. The cups on the floor are the 2 remaining clones, and so far looking pretty decent. Oh, lol, the hps dried out that soil for me... No rice needed. Actually all the 2oz cups went back under the leds. The bush on the bottom right is the Cord Verde, and to her direct left is the Azure Rocket, and Crystal Dwarf.

So I cut a tester off both the flowering plants, and so far the CD has me feeling pretty nice.

So I am a huge fan of binsai' in general, and is why I love doing the micro grow. When I was trimming off a bud I came across a few tiny leaves that looked save worthy. Figured I would share it with you guys. Somewhere I have this same pic, but I used a maple leaf from a previous bonsai I had.

I don't know about you guys, but I like to save leaves from plants I enjoy. That being said I already have some of the CD leaves pressed in a book. (P.420 Hemingway's personal letters, it seemed fitting) The larger leaf is from about 40ish days ago.

As promised here is the Amnesia, and she is loving the new home. The last girl was in about 3/4 gallon, and this one is in 5 gallons. I was thinking about making her a mom. She is EXTREMELY easy to work with and nothing seems to stop her. If I do flower this 1, its probably at least 2 weeks out still.

The only bad new I have, is the tiny photo in the 2oz cup has some bad burn/dead tissue. Corde Verde also had a few spot, but not as bad as Curly. Yeah I named the tiny plant.:biggrin:

The only changes where the tent, and light. Every thing is the same. However I have already went to the infirmary, and am sure one of the Guru's will chime in soon. Those guys are fast.:toke:

Well thats about it for now. I hope you all had a great weekend. Till later, take care.:smoking:


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Okay so Azure rocket, and Crystal dwarf on coming in on the home stretch. They are both 58 today, and I am shooting for 65-70 days. The CD is cannibalizing her leaves, or shes dieing and I'm being naive, lol. The leaves are getting a N def look, and starting from the lowers. She has not dropped any leaves yet though. Azure is still pretty green, and just getting more fragrant.

Azure Rocket *the sample of this was a very "at ease" day time smoke. I really like it. muscle, and arthritis pain relief++*

Crystal Dwarf *this sample of this was great!*

Cord Verde is still stretching, and still in beast mode. Even though she is a mutant, I kinda want to dust a branch for seeds. I'm mean I supercropped her, and plucked ~15 leaves, and she is just cranking out the growth. I have not grown this strain before, but when telling the breeder about her, he basically said she was different in every aspect of what Cord Verde should be. She fucking stinks too. Like old school hair dye, acetone, turpentine kind of smells. She not stinking up the place yet, the Azure still over powers her, but its foul smelling. As I;m typing this, I've decided to dust her tomorrow with some Crazy Ape pollen, why the hell not. Worse case I get some shitty seeds, but some great strains where complete accidents meant for the trash. She is having a small discoloring for the moment, but I'm working on that.


I brought Amnesia out for some LST/pruning/feeding, got a couple better pics of her. I only removed 4 leaves from her this time. Hes center is filling in nicely. I was thinking about pinching her outer sites to try and help even her out. I also think I'll be raising her light to get some stretch going on.

The GSC is coming along pretty nice. She is working on her 2 true leaf set.

AR#3 broke soil this evening.

Spumoni is till undergroud.

Another crazy Ape is getting dropped after this post.

Thats about it for now guys. Till later, take care.:smoking:
@Chester thanks for stopping in bud. So I've quietly been working on a PR campaign for my salt and pepper. Try and get it the recognition they deserves, improve rights of said party, and thus improving their lifestyle 3 fold.

S&P! S&P! S&P!​
:rofl: I guess those things do get in a lot of my pics. I look forward to sharing some happy little harvest pics here soon. Take care bud. :smoking:
@CanuckFrog Thanks man! To be honest this grow went much better than i anticipated. For only being in 1/2 gallon pots they did really good. Some cold night temps brought in some nice purple too, but most was on the sugar leaves, only like 2-3% on the buds, but it sure looks good.

So I harvested Azure rocket last night, and Crystal dwarf tonight. It was a day early, but I'm out of bud and trying to not spend the cash. I made some wax out of the AR trim so far, and will be doing the CD trim tomorrow. I was rather surprised how much I got out of the leaves. It was enough to stay pretty medicated today. Off of what I normally feed my worms. Taking some of @A-Train advise on pics, (black velvet = :headbang:) I was able to get a few good ones during the harvest of AR. The images are up right on my pc, but posting cockeyed... Sorry.



I didn't way the wet product, but was surprised how much bud was on this lil' lady. She only stood 8" tall. This is with, and w/o flash to try and hight light the colors. SUPRISE! It's green! :haha:



And 1 more just for fun, and size comparisons.

She smells so delightful, lite, sweet blueberries. I can't wait to enjoy a nice big vape after she cures.

So CD didn't get the same photo op. It actually took a ton of pics just to find a couple I liked, and I just didn't have the patience to do it again. She however is SUPER stinky. I rolled up 2 BBs and got stoned just from the scissors. Her leaves will be processed tomorrow. I left some of her sugar laeves on the main cola. They are frosted, purple, and to damn pretty to remove.

So thats it for these 2 ladies. I'll post some dry weights on them when I start the curring. Thanks for the kind words on the happy little trees guys.:smoking:
Photo op @Chester ?

^^This was taken Sunday night, and the below pic was taken last night. She is coming along nicely. So far so good.

So as said I hit the Cord Verda with some Crazy Ape pollen. I should be able to tell in the next day or 2 if it took. This is her "pollen pocket", and his *cough*pollen.

Well I gotta work in 6 hours, si its off to nighty nighy twon for this lil' fugger. Till later,take care.:smoking:


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