That loud? The MAX 6' Max exhaust fan that I have in the armoire is loud, but not as loud as the a/c in the Den. Your air pump is on all the time, i would assume. The lights and exhaust fan are off on the Stealth Armoire/Cabinet from 12 noon to 6 in the early evening. A policeman could walk up to it at that time and not have any idea that inside there is a ganja grow. When the Max fan does go on it's a little noticeable w/o the room a/c on.
Yep, I hear more bubbles = more buds ! Its not that loud but someone walking by would definitely wonder what's going on inside the closet, plus I dont have an AC to cover up as its bloody cold where I am. Appart from that, the cheap chinese water pump I got off of amazon is incredibly quiet (and efficient, I'm currently buying a larger outlet pipe as the diameter I have cant follow up), and the PC fans I use are super stealthy !
Is the closet built into the wall like a hall closet or is it free standing?
Yes built into the wall. Well kind of, it's actually a rail and a sliding door put in the corner of the room, but it's leaning on the wall.
Quite a setup you have there, looking grand brother! Im sure youll get two beasts in there!
Any specific reasons you choose a closet grow instead of basement/attic tent?
That's because I dont have a basement or an attic

Looking good. It would be cool if you felt like starting something in the DIY section. Your weather station arduino sounds cool. I tried to launch something along those lines but lost track and had no time!!
That cab is cool to a thread with details on that would be cool to. Don't want to overwhelm you!!
Keep it going, can't wait to see some pretty girls in that space soon!
Thanks Willy !
I intended to post a tread about the closet+DWC, but dont you think it's better to check if it works well first ? Maybe when I have some pretty little girls to show off it will prove its not just waterworks :smoking:
Looking good bro ure diy skills are far better than mine that's for sure
Haha thanks bro, hope it will prove its value !