i found this web they claim to send free seeds (reg photo per.)not feminized. just pay the shipping. as soon i can going to try it.

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facepalm: forgot to metion the site [emoji1]


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My Mammoth P free sample arrived today. 2(2 oz bottles) and a 250ml full size bottle. Thats 368ml for free. :smoking:. That over 600 gals in hydro(.6ml) or 368gals in soil(1ml). The shipping is free too.
Glad you could help.. Try pricing it man what a great deal
THIS JUST IN!!! House & Garden Nutrients Starter pack! You get the whole line(including roots excelurator!) all for free and its enough to get 2-3 plants through one grow cycle in 2-3 gallon pots. There are 4 starter packs to choose from and its 1 per person/per household. the complete package. You e-mail them, they send a card to fill out on what type of nutes you want and for 20 dollars shipping, you get a complete package to try. This was posted on another thread years ago and it is some amazing nutrients. The roots excelerator is well worth the 20 bucks, believe me! Here are your options of nute packages...
1-Aqua Flakes for hydro applications
2-Cocos for coco applications
3-Soil for soil applications
4-Bio 1 for organic application
All come with all of their additives, so this is a great deal for the 20 bucks for shipping.
Here is the email for the card, get the card in the mail, fill it out with a 20 dollar money order for shipping and you are good to go!

Here is their website for information...