Morning Frank,can anything be done to help firm up Nightmare's buds?Genetics? I've had this issue too, but oddly enough they seem still seem to be very potent. Thanks.
It’s genetic more than likely. It’ll press just fine, and be potent…the yield will just be shit because the buds never developed correctly. No density.Morning Frank,can anything be done to help firm up Nightmare's buds?Genetics? I've had this issue too, but oddly enough they seem still seem to be very potent. Thanks.
I stole that one from @Lil DabYoooo! That's a pro trick right there in the corners of your tent! I'm gonna have to go dig out some plastic hangers and jam them in there. That's genius man!
Yep, so I can keep track of what’s going on…Whiteboard is a feed chart? I get the MC is megacrop, whats SC?
As I once read in a book... (Possibly "The reluctant messiah") "There are many ways to skin a cat".On Germination…..
I hear a whole lotta talk about “the paper towel method tears hairs off the tap root”…. And things to that effect. Basically, they say this method damages the root….
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Meanwhile, I’m over here like….
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You see, I’ve been germinating this way for years and years and years. And I generally have 100% germination rates. I’m not seeing any damaged roots, or any weirdness…
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So, what gives?
Upon further investigation, I’ve figured it out. You see, letting the “tail” grow to an inch or more….. that’s for your own personal satisfaction. That’s not benefiting the seedling at all! It’s just so you can get a pretty picture…. But then it’s already dug its little root hairs into the paper.
So…. What do I do, you might be wondering?
My technique, exactly:
I place the seeds into a few ounces of water for 12 hours or so (I’m not exact with the time, just approximately. Also, I don’t care if they float or sink).
Next, take a full sized paper towel, white, cheap…. Fold it into thirds (it’s gotta fit in a Tupperware), and dump the seeds and as much water as is needed into the paper towel and fold it so the seeds are between layers. I want the paper towel soaked, but no standing water. Put the lid on and put the Tupperware in the big tent, under the light for warmth…
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….. after twelve hours or so, check. No crack and tongue, wait twelve hours and check, etc…
Here’s the most important part…..
All you are looking for is that the seed has cracked, and there’s a small amount of movement outward of the tap root…. Basically, once it’s sticking its tongue out SLIGHTLY, transfer to its final home.
Now, everyone has their method of planting, and I’m in promix so keep that in mind…but all I do is….
Fill the pot to the top, poke a hole with my pointer finger one knuckle deep….. I pour about 1/4 gallon of water directly into the hole…I re-do the hole so it’s only an inch deep (the water will have dug it down)…. I place the seed in root down….. I sprinkle dry soil into the hole, adding slightly more so there’s a wee mound. I take another 1/3 of a gallon and LIGHTLY water the entire top of the soil, be careful not to swamp the seed. (Use more or less water for the top as needed)….
And start watching. If the surface dries out, repeat the second watering step above (as needed on the volume)….
Usually I’ll start seeing movement on the second or third day after planting….although some are very fast…. While older seeds will need time to soften their hard outer shells…. But they’ll usually go if given some patience…
That’s it. Stop being a size queen and watching the tails grow to extraordinary lengths and put the seed where it belongs…..