Day 34
[Fast & Vast - Plant A]
None needed.
[Fast & Vast - Plant B]
None needed.
[Wipeout Express - Plant A]
2 Gallons Filtered Tap Water
Nutrients Added Per Gallon:
*5ml Bio Thrive Blooming
*5ml CaMg
*5ml Bio Marine
*2.5 Bio Bud
[Wipeout Express - Plant B]
None Needed.
Temperatures | Humidity:
73F-75F | 40%-48%
Okay so wow just realized my pot was so light I watered again? She is big bud damn just doesn't make sense to me? I also fucked up and gave her nutrients again today, but it's okay she will take it fine! Maybe the plants sucking up the water because of the humidity? My others will probably need watered tomorrow. Next time I am going to read my grow journal before watering plants, I feel like it was two days ago when I watered last. Crazy. I know it's hard to tell in the tent but she is easily the biggest, never had this happen before.