Flushing: The Myth that won't Die

Yes, we still smoke occasionally. Especially now we have a genius pipe! This thing is awesome!
What kind of pipe?. Im Not a typical stoner lol.. I mostly vape to micro dose like 4-5 times a week for my PTSD and benzo withdrawal.
But every now and then I like to get lifted..
It's hit or miss for me

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I get the feeling that the flushing myth is based on the same junk science that "colon cleanses" & "liver detoxes" are...this idea that you have to "clean out the toxins" to be healthy or whatever. Doesn't work in the human body & it doesn't work in gardening. It's all placebo.

We all have our own quirky things we do that make us feel good, but too many folks pass those things off as hard facts on forums. Big difference between facts & preferences. This thread has been an interesting read even though I don't use bottled/chemical nutes or engage in flushing (other than the toilet). :headbang:
Arghhh!!! So I go to the hydro shop today and talking to the guy there about my setup and plants and the guy says "how often do you flush your plants?" I reply "this is my first grow, I've never flushed them" then he tells me I need to flush my plants every two weeks or I'll get salt build up.

Next thing I just paid $30 for a bottle of Sensi Pro Crystal Clear. Came home, looked at my plants and thought they look healthy. So I procrastinated whether or not I should flush. Jump on here start looking around and find this thread. Lucky I didn't use it. Hopefully he gives me my money back, or at least let me swap for something else.
Arghhh!!! So I go to the hydro shop today and talking to the guy there about my setup and plants and the guy says "how often do you flush your plants?" I reply "this is my first grow, I've never flushed them" then he tells me I need to flush my plants every two weeks or I'll get salt build up.

Next thing I just paid $30 for a bottle of Sensi Pro Crystal Clear. Came home, looked at my plants and thought they look healthy. So I procrastinated whether or not I should flush. Jump on here start looking around and find this thread. Lucky I didn't use it. Hopefully he gives me my money back, or at least let me swap for something else.

"Flush" can be done for at least two different reasons.
1. Before harvest as an attempt to remedy over-feeding.
2. Periodically to refresh the reservoir solution.
My opinion is that the first isn't required, but that the second probably is.

It's possible that plants could mostly deplete one or more nutrient elements, and topping off might not supply enough of those nutrients.
Completely replacing the reservoir restores the original nutrient ratios.

Having said that, I no longer change out my reservoir all at once.
Instead, I try to keep nutrient balance by emptying out, and replacing about 10% of the res each day, which roughly equals a complete change every 2 weeks.
I've never heard changing res solution called flushing so lets not confuse the issue. The claims for flushing are are false, flushing your medium pre-harvest is a waste of time and water and flushing in hopes of saving an overfed plant is often also. You MIGHT save a plant but by the time your done with all that and waiting to see if the plant recovers, you could have started a new, healthy plant. Either way its a losing proposition.

"Flush" can be done for at least two different reasons.
1. Before harvest as an attempt to remedy over-feeding.
2. Periodically to refresh the reservoir solution.
My opinion is that the first isn't required, but that the second probably is.

It's possible that plants could mostly deplete one or more nutrient elements, and topping off might not supply enough of those nutrients.
Completely replacing the reservoir restores the original nutrient ratios.

Having said that, I no longer change out my reservoir all at once.
Instead, I try to keep nutrient balance by emptying out, and replacing about 10% of the res each day, which roughly equals a complete change every 2 weeks.
Hydro shops love to sell you shit you don't need! and of course, most nutrient companies encourage it! They don't give a damn about your plants, just your bank account......

Arghhh!!! So I go to the hydro shop today and talking to the guy there about my setup and plants and the guy says "how often do you flush your plants?" I reply "this is my first grow, I've never flushed them" then he tells me I need to flush my plants every two weeks or I'll get salt build up.

Next thing I just paid $30 for a bottle of Sensi Pro Crystal Clear. Came home, looked at my plants and thought they look healthy. So I procrastinated whether or not I should flush. Jump on here start looking around and find this thread. Lucky I didn't use it. Hopefully he gives me my money back, or at least let me swap for something else.
I gave two days of water instead of feeding as I have 2 weeks to go I think? Anyway, came back and read this entire thread again, and back to feeding full nutes 700-800ppm/6.2pH as instructed. This thread is one of the best I have read.