Indoor Five's Auto Garden - Bloody Skunk Auto & Big Devil Auto

Jun 7, 2016
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Back again with a new batch of autos :)
I was lucky enough to be picked as a winner of a competition run by the good people at The Vault Seed Store and was gifted 20 free seeds from Sweet Seeds as the prize. Out of the selection I picked Big Devil Auto and Bloody Skunk Auto for this round as they have some nice reviews and I've been looking forward to growing a purple plant ;)

What strain is it? 1x Sweet Seeds - Bloody Skunk Auto + 1x Sweet Seeds - Big Devil Auto
Is it Indica, Sativa or Hybrid? Both Hybrid
Is it in Veg or Flower stage? Seedling
Indoor or outdoor? Indoor
Soil or Hydro? 75% Coco/25% Perlite
Size of light? 2x Mars ProII Epistar 160's
Is it aircooled? 2x 4" Passive intakes + 6" Inline Duct Fan + 6" Carbon Filter
Temp of Room/cab? Between 20-38 Celcius (Depending on season)
RH of Room/cab? Between 50%-75%
How often are you watering? Every 2-3 days or as needed
Type and strength of ferts used? Canna Coco A+B + Silica + Seasol+Cannazym+PK 13/14+Sensi Bio Diesel.

I will, as always, include the nutrient schedule I am using for anyone interested. It was created by a user called Buzzo and if you google his name with autoflower you will find his journal. I have added in Silica as I believe it helps with the high temps that I often have and I also have swapped Canna Boost for Sensi Bio Diesel due to the outrageous cost of Boost. I haven't seen a major difference, if anything I have had better results with the Bio Diesel.

Day 1 to Day 14/Week 1 - 2
Canna Coco A & B 0.5 ml per liter if using Worm Casting at 50% or 1 ml per liter if using WC @ 30% or less
Seasol 4ml per liter
Silica 0.25ml per liter
Total E.C. approx 0.4 to 0.7

Day 14 to Day 28/Week 3-4
Canna Coco A & B 1.5 to 2 ml per liter
Seasol 4ml per liter
Cannazym 2.5 ml per liter
Silica 0.5ml per liter
Total E.C. approx 1.0 to 1.3

Day 28 to DAY 35/Week 5
Canna Coco A & B 2.0 to 2.5 ml per liter
Seasol 4 ml per liter
Cannazym 2.5 ml per liter
PK 13/14 1.5 ml per liter (Not recommended to use this for more than 1 week)
Boost 2.0 to 2.5 ml per liter
Silica 1ml per liter
Total E.C. approx 1.8

Day 35 to Day 53/Week 6-7.5
Canna Coco A & B 2.0 to 2.5 ml per liter
Seasol 2 ml per liter
Cannazym 2.5 ml per liter
Boost 3 to 4 ml per liter
Silica 1ml per liter
Total E.C. approx 1.5

Day 53 to Day 60/Week 8.5-9.5
Cannazym 2.5 ml per liter
Total E.C approx 0.2

So plants have sprouted and have been above ground for 5 days now. They're still both looking a bit small but I expect them to start getting a lot bigger in the coming week.
I'm planning to top these girls as I always do with some light LST to really try and use up all the space in the cabinet. These are the first girls that have had the whole cabinet to themselves from the very start to I really want to try and utilise all the space I can.
So far they have only been fed Week 1 from the schedule above as a pre charge in the coco before planting. I like to wait for the coco to dry a bit before feeding more which normally takes about 7 days

Five congats om winning in the work mate well done;) subbed.looking forward to see how he devil does,as iv got the big devil and big devil 2 in my collection to go at yet;) setup is looking awsome ready for some monster plants;) best of luck mate and happy growing;)

Girls are 8 days old now but still looking a little small for what I would expect. The coco was pre charged with Week 1 feed as I did last time but the plants aren't springing up anywhere near as much as the last two did.
Hoping there is nothing wrong as they seem to look ok other than that. Would love some opinions though, let me know what you think! :)
Five congats om winning in the work mate well done;) subbed.looking forward to see how he devil does,as iv got the big devil and big devil 2 in my collection to go at yet;) setup is looking awsome ready for some monster plants;) best of luck mate and happy growing;)

Thanks Beast, much appreciated! :) It's one of the only things I've ever won so I'm pretty stoked at such an awesome prize :)
Those bottom 2 look alittle freaky.remember the sweetseeds killer kush i grew .were all freaks of a 4 pack and only 1 survived.hope they fight strong for ya mate,happy growing.this next week they should start to grow now they have some roots;) happy growing
Those bottom 2 look alittle freaky.remember the sweetseeds killer kush i grew .were all freaks of a 4 pack and only 1 survived.hope they fight strong for ya mate,happy growing.this next week they should start to grow now they have some roots;) happy growing

Yeah I'm a little concerned about them both to be honest, they both look a little strange.
Fingers crossed they will turn out strong though ;)

The girls are 15 days old today and still looking a little small for what I would expect at this age. Normally I'm a couple of days away from topping but I can't see that happening anytime soon. I really hope they spring to life soon, they're starting to concern me.

Let me know what you guys think :)
Could be 4 freaks mate.time will tell.i really hope they pick up the pace for ya.happy growing;)