New Grower Fisher Price : My first Autos

you should stop at my current grow:grin: i use the same BioBizz Fertilizer and BioBizz All-Mix Soil!! over there you can read how much water and fertilizer i use in different stages of my grow and if you have any questions feel free to ask :Sharing One:

Will do ma31. I'll pop over now and have a looksie.

I have to say, even in the early stages of my grow, the Biobizz seems pretty good. No problems so far. I also noticed theres quite a few people on here who swear by it also.
WP_20141227_22_44_16_Pro.jpgWP_20141227_22_44_26_Pro.jpgNot really too much to report here guys, all good on the western front. Just thought I'd throw up another pic.

There was one thing I found a lil strange, and maybe its just me, but one plant has a much stronger smell then the other, like much stronger. It's the slightly larger one, but still, thought it was a lil strange. Anywho, here's a couple pics.
PS. Forgot to mention that they just woke up from a 4 hour nap and their on day 16.

Im subbed. Just a question i didnt find in your previous posts. What size are your pots?
Lookin' good Rua. I grow in an even smaller space, about half what you're working with, and I do okay. Reckon you'll pull a bunch of buds out of that setup -- and that'll definitely keep you outta the pub! Good luck.
Im subbed. Just a question i didnt find in your previous posts. What size are your pots?

I forgot to mention that. There 11 liter pots and I'm using 10 liters of soil in each. They might be a lil big but I can always cut them down a bit for my next grow.
WP_20150101_21_34_58_Pro.jpgWP_20150101_21_35_14_Pro.jpgWP_20150101_21_35_28_Pro.jpgWeek 3.

By the way, even though I bought these seeds from a reliable source, I cant seem to find any information about them online. Auto Alfa by TH Seeds. So I'm not really sure exactly what size they should be by now, but they seem happy enough. Anywho, this is them on week 3.