New Grower Fisher Price : My first Autos

Welcome to AFN, I am really diggin the setup and I think you will do great! That space is deceptivly big! It doesn't look that big from the outside but it should work great. What kind of soil are you using?

I went with the Biobizz light mix. I read on here it was a safe bet for autos.

In terms of the size, its 21 inches deep and 30 inches in length but it has up to 7 feet in height.

Im not sure how often I'm suppose to take pics, Im guessing weekly. So I'll slap another down.

I do however have a couple of questions if any can help me? There's times in the day when I have to leave and therefore close the doors, which will slighty limit the fresh air intake, not for long, but still. Is there any signs I need to look out for that she needs a lil more oxygen? Any help would be sweet.

Also, I read alot of people on here talking about cal-meg. Is this a necessaty? I can get it easy enough, I just need to know if it should be in the arsenal or its just optional. Thx again.
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Good looks Rua, very clean set up! Having the door closed won't choke her out don't worry about that. To my understanding, the calmag is pretty well used because grows under LEDs usually suffer from calmag deficiency. I do not think anyone has proven the science behind it, but it does seem to be the case.
How's your temps when you shut the doors? Looks really good. Like the roll off blackout. Good idea.
Cheers for the advice Gnomeja, I'm following your grow journal by the way, and I'm deffo taking notes. You sir, are a man who knows what he's doing.

Tripdog : Im not really sure what my temps are to be honest. I havent bought a thermometer yet, I'v just been using the "hand test" (just above room tempature). Do you think I need one?

There must be a sign that the plants give if theres oxygen deficiency. If someone can give me a heads up then that will be sweet. If I dont have to worry about it then that will be sweeter.

Thanx again peoples.
as far as i know, the plant (leaves) needs CO2, and the roots needs oxygen, here is a chart of deficiency but i dont see oxygen deficiency here, maybe it wont happen?


i think the most important thing about closing the door is the temperature and the humidity level, as they can have huge changes. and you definitely need a thermometer.
Thanx Vince, that my friend is a cool post. I'm gonna print, copy n past that to my wall. Thx again.

In terms of the thermometer, I'll grab one over the next few days. Cheers.

They should have an award for you people, seriously.
WP_20141221_00_29_05_Pro.jpgWP_20141221_00_29_25_Pro.jpgWP_20141221_00_30_01_Pro.jpgWP_20141221_00_32_56_Pro.jpgNot really much to report here guys. Just thought I'd put up a couple more pics. At least it will keep me busy, keep me out of the pub.

Their still hanging in their, day 10 ish.