Welcome to AFN, I am really diggin the setup and I think you will do great! That space is deceptivly big! It doesn't look that big from the outside but it should work great. What kind of soil are you using?
I went with the Biobizz light mix. I read on here it was a safe bet for autos.
In terms of the size, its 21 inches deep and 30 inches in length but it has up to 7 feet in height.
Im not sure how often I'm suppose to take pics, Im guessing weekly. So I'll slap another down.
I do however have a couple of questions if any can help me? There's times in the day when I have to leave and therefore close the doors, which will slighty limit the fresh air intake, not for long, but still. Is there any signs I need to look out for that she needs a lil more oxygen? Any help would be sweet.
Also, I read alot of people on here talking about cal-meg. Is this a necessaty? I can get it easy enough, I just need to know if it should be in the arsenal or its just optional. Thx again.
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