New Grower Fisher Price : My first Autos

Is this normal?

Over the last couple of days I noticed that one of the twins looked a little chuncky. The other looked great by the way. I'll post a pic of the one that looks healthy first and the other one second.

Note: they both grew up in the same houshold, same environment.
Different phenos. Even though they are the same strain they will have different genetics. Same principle behind having kids, they aren't the exact same, just similar! Nothing to worry about. It's sort of interesting seeing all of the phenos that a strain can produce, the more and more I've researched the more I am surprised!

Looking good :) Grab a thermometer though! Subbed!
It looks very interesting and so far the plants seem happy enough - I can confirm they both look healthy :) I like the stealth of your setup and it looks very clean. :tiphat:
I would second the advice about getting a thermometer (preferably a digital one with a humidity meter as well) - if you're on a budget you can order one cheaply from ebay, as in enclosed spaces with no (or not much) ventilation rising temperatures are likely to be a bigger problem than lack of CO2 for the plants.
To answer your question, drooping leaves can be one sign of a plant needing more fresh air - I had that when one night I forgot to leave a window/door open and the plants must have depleted CO2 in the room even though temps were ok because of extraction running. But it can also be a symptom of other things, just wanted to give you an idea :)

Keep it up! :goodluck:
But it can also be a symptom of other things, just wanted to give you an idea :)

Other things such as heat stress (coupled with curling leaves) :thumbs: I got my digital thermometer/hygrometer for like $12 at walmart. Yeah... I shopped there... I feel your budget pain!
Hey Rua,

Great job you have done so far, try to get Thermo/Hygro digital meter, it is supposed to be cheap.
Keep an eye of the airflow it's essential for all times, especially that when you are out and the cupboard is closed.
Regarding your girls they look quite healthy to me.

Good Luck with your grow.

P.S. You didn't mention what day they are at? Also what are you feeding them recently??

Thanx for all the input lads.

I forgot to mention the plants are on day 13 and they got their first feed of bio-grow yesterday. Up ontill that, I'v only given them a lil water here and there. I was told that one light feed for every two waters is a safe bet at this stage. But if anyone has any better advise, then I'm all ears.

In terms of the thermometer. I found one on-line, it's just that the holidays have cleaned me out so it might have to wait a couple weeks. But it's definitely gonna be here soon.

Thx again guys.
you should stop at my current grow:grin: i use the same BioBizz Fertilizer and BioBizz All-Mix Soil!! over there you can read how much water and fertilizer i use in different stages of my grow and if you have any questions feel free to ask :Sharing One: