First time sprouting

Nov 23, 2018
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Hey Gang,

This is my first time trying to grow anything! Pretty happy I got this far, now just trying to figure out what I'm doing wrong.

Day 6
Setup: Autopots 3.9L pots
Lights: Solstrips 180watts @ 20" from top
Tent: 4x2x7'
Medium: Coco
Nutrients: Remo Nutrients
Temperature: 82.4°F Lights on 70°F Lights off
Humidity: 52% Lights on 45% Lights off
Feed: 458ppm @ 5.84ph with RO Water

Per Litre
MagNifiCal - 1ml
Micro - 1ml
Grow - 1ml
Bloom - 1ml
Velokelp - 1ml
Silica Litre Per .5ml

Been feeding about every 24hrs which I wonder if that's my issue? Only looks pale and the other looks to have a small burning on it's tips so maybe my feed is also too high?

Loving all of this so far, and can't wait till I have a few grows under my belt. Would it have been better for me to pot in something smaller and then transplant? Want to make this easier on myself lol

Auto Ultimate first/ Mazar Second


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I’m a soil guy but it is my understanding the little ones don’t need feeding until after week 3 or 4. Maybe different in coco?

AFN pros along shortly to get you some better direction.

And good luck!!

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I’m a soil guy but it is my understanding the little ones don’t need feeding until after week 3 or 4. Maybe different in coco?

AFN pros along shortly to get you some better direction.

And good luck!!

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From what I've read coco does need feedings as there is no nutrients in coco. Either way I'm doing something wrong and looking to learn!

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I am sure many have different thoughts on this, but even in my pure coco grows I wont feed the 1st week. Let me take that back, I have done both, when I do feed during week 1 in coco it is very very minimal...…..But typically I wont feed in week 1, as they don't need it, You are going to be coming out of week 1, I might give her a few normal waterings then begin feeding but at say 1/4 strength. In Coco which does require feeding the plant, as this is closer to hydro, I start feeds rather weak and watch the plant and increase the strength of feed as the days go on, I ween them so to speak, just like a human baby eating small portions so to a seedling seeking to survive....
From what I've read coco does need feedings as there is no nutrients in coco. Either way I'm doing something wrong and looking to learn!

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You’re definitely in the right forum to learn about these mighty fine autos. Good luck!

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I am sure many have different thoughts on this, but even in my pure coco grows I wont feed the 1st week. Let me take that back, I have done both, when I do feed during week 1 in coco it is very very minimal...…..But typically I wont feed in week 1, as they don't need it, You are going to be coming out of week 1, I might give her a few normal waterings then begin feeding but at say 1/4 strength. In Coco which does require feeding the plant, as this is closer to hydro, I start feeds rather weak and watch the plant and increase the strength of feed as the days go on, I ween them so to speak, just like a human baby eating small portions so to a seedling seeking to survive....

That's what I was trying for the first few feeds and went with 280ppm for the first few feedings. But then was suggested to give it more based on others who have used remo nutrients. Arghhh so much to learn lol

I'll give it a try and give water only for the next few feeds and then slowly get back to small feeds and increase as you suggested.
You’re definitely in the right forum to learn about these mighty fine autos. Good luck!

Trying my best! Lots of info to soak in, and at times I'm applying the wrong things to my babies lol

Are these considered to be in Veg. state yet? Or is that around 2 weeks of life?
I’d say they are at the beginning of veg stage with the first two leaves showing.

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Have water ready for her feeding this even. PH is at 5.84 and ill recheck it just before feeding.
i'd also say you were overfeeding... we've just started learning how to begin seeds in coco (we used to begin in peat, then pass to coco), and our first tries looked just like yours and we were overfeeding at 0.5 EC...
our recent tries we did 1 week of daily feeds with 0.2 EC (to keep the coco cation exchange balanced, not to feed the plant), then started increasing slowly. seedlings started like this look better than the first tries, but still not as healthy as the ones we began in peat and then passed to coco... but we are getting there, hope you can too.

Are these considered to be in Veg. state yet? Or is that around 2 weeks of life?

haha! we've been trying to undertand this as well. from what we've gathered, they're still seedlings.