Completed First time growing ever (Hydro) problem diagnosis with plant?

She is back on the rebound. How are the roots looking? Are the teaching to the rest our yet? Can you take a picture of the roots/res. (Also for anyone who knows me, or has been here a long time know what question I am going to ask next lol) how much air to you have being pumped into your res? What I mean is how big is your air pump? Having a lot of air will be important due to the time that has been lost dialing it it(not to worry she will end up being huge and frosty)

I have a theory and tek that has some very good support around these parts.its the max O2 tek. I won’t bore you with a bunch of scenceiy stuff but basically more air equals big plants.I love people growin in DWC, I did it for over ten years exclusively. If you need anything don’t hesitate to dm or tag me.

Last night i adjusted the plant in the tent, and there were no roots showing through the net. Today, some roots have began to come out of the net which made me get pretty excited! I have PLENTY of Oxygen getting into the water, i have 1 single outlet air pump and 1, 2 outlet pump all pumping o2 into the water so a total of 3 air stones in the res. I have now added more nutes and set the ppm to 440 and the Ph is at 5.5 but that will rise up over a few days which i check and adjust daily. The temps are all stable since adding the regulators.

the negative pressure is just testament to the exhaust working properly. What size fan is it? Be weary of the temp inside the tent going to low. This is a major possibility considering you have air blowing out and air coming in, this too is more possible as led lights don’t really give off much heat.
As for the plant itself, I’ve never grown dwc but I’ve done many, many grows and I’m currently trying to master NFT, but looking at the plant I’d suggest to start again mate. I know it’s not what you want to hear on your first grow and it sucks but trust me, there nothing worse then ploughing time and energy costs into a grow just for it fail in its later stages. This is something that’s been all to familiar with me lately while trying to learn NFT.

I appreciate what youre saying, but regardless of whether this plant survives or not. Id rather not give up, plus any challenges i face now will be a lesson for me, this is my first time growing any plant, not just cannabis, i have no experience in growing any type of plant, and yes some would argue i jumped into the deep end with DWC literally. but its what i do... i learn the hard way! :p
Last night i adjusted the plant in the tent, and there were no roots showing through the net. Today, some roots have began to come out of the net which made me get pretty excited! I have PLENTY of Oxygen getting into the water, i have 1 single outlet air pump and 1, 2 outlet pump all pumping o2 into the water so a total of 3 air stones in the res. I have now added more nutes and set the ppm to 440 and the Ph is at 5.5 but that will rise up over a few days which i check and adjust daily. The temps are all stable since adding the regulators.

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Nice! That looks like plenty of O2. Remind me how old is this plant? I am thinking it may have broken the taproot. If that is the case it will stay pretty small. I know this isn’t what you wanna hear but if you don’t see the thick taproot showing in then few days it may be better and faster to start a new seed. It will set you back how ever many days you have into this one(which fugggggin suuuuuuccck, I know) but it’s totally worth it in the end. It still may just have curled around some pebbles or something so all hope is not lost. I would love to help bring this little lady back to life for sure.


    points: 10
    Love your optimism. Lessons learned and more knowlege for the OP to learn and your commitment to helping a new grower. Nice.
Nice! That looks like plenty of O2. Remind me how old is this plant? I am thinking it may have broken the taproot. If that is the case it will stay pretty small. I know this isn’t what you wanna hear but if you don’t see the thick taproot showing in then few days it may be better and faster to start a new seed. It will set you back how ever many days you have into this one(which fugggggin suuuuuuccck, I know) but it’s totally worth it in the end. It still may just have curled around some pebbles or something so all hope is not lost. I would love to help bring this little lady back to life for sure.

:) its actually pretty old now... from the moment it showed its first cotyledon leaves on the 21st of May, it has only grown this much.... but i had the wrong conditions, and hoping thats why its so small. the tap root was perfectly fine when i planted it into the jiffy after removing it from the paper towel for sure. And i didnt handle it improperly while transferring it either. I will wait a week more see if it gets better, and if i see the taproot.
Set the PH at 5.8 and check and adjust more often. 5.5 is too low.

The scale is logarithmic so 5.5 is 30 times lower than 5.8.


    points: 10
    Wow, that is insane, it seems like such a small difference in ph, but actually its huge. Thank you for sharing knowledge and helping make things clear to me and the OP.
Last night i adjusted the plant in the tent, and there were no roots showing through the net. Today, some roots have began to come out of the net which made me get pretty excited! I have PLENTY of Oxygen getting into the water, i have 1 single outlet air pump and 1, 2 outlet pump all pumping o2 into the water so a total of 3 air stones in the res. I have now added more nutes and set the ppm to 440 and the Ph is at 5.5 but that will rise up over a few days which i check and adjust daily. The temps are all stable since adding the regulators.

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The volume of air is important but the bubble size is more important. the smaller the bubbles the better. Consider this example: a bubble with a 5 mm diameter has a volume of 524 mm3 and a surface area of 314 mm2. A bubble with a 10 mm diameter has a volume of 4,188 mm3 and a surface area of 1,256 mm2. The 10 mm bubble could be divided into eight 5 mm bubbles, which would have a combined surface area of 2,512 mm3. By producing bubbles that are half the size, the surface area is effectively doubled, doubling the surface contact of bubbles to water therefore doubling the capacity of the air to increase the DO level. Additionally, smaller bubbles are less buoyant and rise through the water slower, allowing them to diffuse more oxygen into the water. Smaller bubbles are produced by high quality air stones made from silicon carbide, which is fired at 1300 degrees Celsius. The high temperature produces a more porous stone which makes smaller bubbles than the less expensive blue air stones which are only fired at 200 degrees Celsius.
Okay ill check the ph again just now and adjust accordingly. the air stones i got are 2 round silicon carbide and one ball shaped silicon carbide. the bubbles arent that large, they just look that way from the images as the shutter speed was quite slow.
Just a query, when you started the plant did hand feed at all and did any of the solution touch the leaves?
Just a query, when you started the plant did hand feed at all and did any of the solution touch the leaves?

I hand fed it while it was in the jiffy pellet infront of my windowsill. And when i mean hand fed.. i mean using a pipette and very small amounts of water, like 3-5ml of water, or only when i see that the jiffy was looking dry... Once i put it in the DWC unit, the leaves drooped next day. i had the water level high that bottom quarter of the jiffy was submerged. i did this thinking that since the water is oxygenated it would be impossible to "drown" them. Once that didnt work out.. i re-arranged it 2 days ago. now the roots are growing rapidly, still no thick taproot to be seen however.

The ppm has risen to 520 overnight from 420. how is this possible?

I hand fed it while it was in the jiffy pellet infront of my windowsill. Once i put it in the DWC unit, the leaves drooped next day. i had the water level high that bottom quarter of the jiffy was submerged. i did this thinking that since the water is oxygenated it would be impossible to "drown" them. Once that didnt work out.. i re-arranged it 2 days ago. now the roots are growing rapidly, still no thick taproot to be seen however.

The ppm has risen to 520 overnight from 420. how is this possible?

That was your issue. I don’t think it was a broken taproot it was just stunted to to being submerged. It should bounce back nice and you should see The taproot in a few days. Now you have a space between the bottom of the net pot and the water level right?