New Grower First time growing, but very slow start?

Jun 21, 2016
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Hey guys,

This is my first time growing, and am super pumped! I have four babies growing right now that are a little over a week since they first popped. Here's my setup:

48x24x60 grow tent
1000w full spectrum grow LED (177 actual watt pull) @ 3ft above seedlings
happy frog soil in coco starter cups
general organics nutrients (first fed small dose of nutrients today)

Based on pics of other peoples plants at this stage, it seems my plants are smaller than usual? Here's the symptoms:

smaller than expected (I think?)
yellow cotyledons (just fed first round of nutrients today, light dose)
red stems

I could just be paranoid but a lot of peoples plants at this age look much larger...

hi and welcome :pass:
size wise they about average.couple look a lil overwaterd,thats easy to do with youngungs.
not a bad start for a first time,relax talk to them.
thanks! I'll try to ease back on the watering and space it out a bit more.
Different strains will have different timing and grow rate, maybe the ones you saw are faster. They are looking great! :)

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Different strains will have different timing and grow rate, maybe the ones you saw are faster. They are looking great! :)

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Thanks for the feedback! All four of these guys are different strains so that might explain why they all look different... though they still seem small to me.
Thanks for the feedback! All four of these guys are different strains so that might explain why they all look different... though they still seem small to me.
Ok, these are two plants dropped on the same day, from the same breeder, but different strains. One started blooming about a week before the other and will be ready to harvest at least a couple of weeks before the other plant.


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To me they look real small till end of week 3 or 4 then it's off to the races.
That's what's fun their slow to start but you will be amazed what they can do.
I checked the plants this morning and one of them was pretty wilted from lack of water (leaves were limp). I watered all four, and the seedling with the limp leaves perked right up. However, I noticed that al four seedlings have leaves that are starting to yellow. Additionally, the leaves of one of them (the one with limp leaves) has started to curl and turn brown :frowny:

Any ideas what's going on? I'm worried that it's going to happen to all of them.


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Looks like they are suffering from
Nute burn. Shouldn't have to worry about nutes for about 3 weeks..
Would that be different if I'm using RO water or an LED light? RO removes all the cal/mag/other nutrients from the water. Though I'm using nutrient rich soil from the start...

I also read somewhere that using LED lights can cause a cal/mag deficiency? No idea if that's true or not... but it looks like they've gotten worse throughout the day