Mar 29, 2019
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Hey there. I have been starting from square one a few weeks ago. Have been using this site for information among others.

Current set up includes a 4x4 closet of spare bedroom.
2x 1000w led.
Mylar applied to walls/door.
Oscillating fan.
All set on timer to 18/6.

Soaked two greenhouse seeds super bud auto for 24 hours and germinated directly in medium. Using 10 gallon fabric pots with plastic trays beneath.

Medium is 3 parts organic soil 1 part coco coir 1 part perlite.

Both sprouted in 3-4 days.
Currently at day 20 from sprouting.

Additionally waiting for two autoseeds polar express auto to sprout. These are in the same medium but started in 3 gallon fabric pots. Neither have popped yet at day 5.

Seeking more knowledge, advice, experience. Goal is to have an annual supply of quality flowers. And to optimize/maximize my output and efficiency.


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Welcome, i'm very much a rookie here, iv'e got a few grow's with these LED's, lot's to learn, I've started a new grow that's 7 day's from sprouting . Maybe we could help each other out or at least support one another. Happy Trail's and good luck with your grow------i'll be keepin my eye on you!:jointman:
hi and :welcome: @Closetflowers :pass:
been lurking for some time or first day here ? :CSR: im archie gemmill :footy:your butlins blue coat hi de high site rep :paleo:a few things well worth a read.

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regardless if you read them or not,you have agreed to abide by them,so best cast your eye over takes 2 mins,in short no religion politics and dont be a knob :shooty:
Forum Etiquette

New Member Intros
why not do an intro,tell us something about yourself your grow or your ferret :shrug:
Live Stoner Gossip bit lost or stuck,got a question ? a cuppa tea getting cold and a rocket to burn ?:coffee::smokeout:
some Guides and Tutorials:laptop:
start a journal in the new growers section :watering:

follow along with Ash-A-Ton from seed to jar thread :smokeit:

have a good look around,click on some signature links.

anything else just ask away or @ me
good luck n keep er lit
Sorry about the blurple didn’t want to turn off lights today was in a bit of a hurry.

Pretty sure this new set of leaves are 5 fingered so that’s good! You could see the tips were yellow yesterday so I definitely burned them with nutrients too soon. Gonna water around perimeter of pots with no nutrients for 2 weeks and let her use up what’s in the soil a bit before resuming at 1/4 strength recommended.

Polar express in the back hasn’t popped yet at day 8. They are both like that so far. What’s the longest you guys wait before pulling a seed out?


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Newbie here as well :biggrin: just finished my first grow and still have much to learn so I will tag along.

As I said I don't have much experience but I don't think the tips are burned, looks light yellow/green. If it's my plant, I will keep feeding and give it a few more days. BUT I could be very wrong. Wait for the knowledgeable members to give you advice.
Quick update both super buds have been down potted to 3 gallon fabric pots. Hopefully they handle it well. Also attempted to dig up and investigate polar express seeds. Could not find them lol.

Changed my germination method to plastic baggie for bubble kush auto from royal queen. Both were successful planted two today. Three more started to replace polar express and fill rest of room space.


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What height are those lights? I run a 1000w and a 1200w and would need them 24-30" away at this stage
What height are those lights? I run a 1000w and a 1200w and would need them 24-30" away at this stage
Do you pop the seed's under LED'S?? If so what height?