New Grower First Time Grower

checked on soil of plant [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] and its still moist just going to let the seedling do its thing. also checked the other 2 seeds still germinating welp being the impatient/patient person that i am i germed another seed thinking my first one was a dud.. so ill have an extra seed and nothing to do with no room anywhere in the box to place it.. or i could squeeze it in the box in a smaller pot and hope for the best.. i just don't wanna get rid of it. kinda like throwing money down the drain. so if ya have an idea of what i can do with the extra just let me know. have a smoketastic day
So today has been a bummer and blessing.. Get up make coffee..(YESS).. i hear a oh no.. there is smoke coming from your box.. im like its just the humidifer chill out.. then a NO !.. for real come and look.. i go in room check my box top to bottom open doors looking at plants checking behind them all that and then BOO.. my gf hiding in the closet next to me.. jumps out scares me and i just so happen to knock my pot over in the jump scare...:evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::jawdrop::jawdrop::jawdrop:.. soil all over the floor. seed nowhere to be found i tell you this chick as awesome and nice but she is almost caught the fist of a 100 thousand dudes..( NAW i cant do that) but after i cried a little inside.. i remembered i had an extra seed still in germination.. so i go to check on both (2nd seed was taking a little longer than the first) of them and sure enough there both popped and have nice tap roots so both are planted 1 of them again and the other for the first time. i misted the soil real good and put a small tuppawear container over both as a humidity dome.. the strains now are blueberry bliss auto.. and not sure of the other bc i put both in the same cup at the start and didnt label them anyway.. so if they both survive *fingers crossed.. it'll be BB Bliss and either Electric Fruit or Damnesia.. welp lets hope thats enough B.S. for the day hope everyone has a Smoketastic day.
Welp.. checked on my girls after a long day at work and bada bing.. We got action.. i was looking and seen something green in the soil.. a small little sprout with the shell still intact.. so hoping it falls off. im sooooo stoked.. my first time ever growing something let alone some cannabis. Just hoping everything goes the way its supposed to go. 20161229_222938.jpg 20161229_222917.jpg ... how you turn these upright.. im taking them upright.
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quick update: checked on my girls today and the blueberry has emerged from the grown and is looking good. so both plants are out of the ground i checked soil gave them a little watering with 6.5 ph water only and just sitting back letting them do there thing.
these are pics of the blueberry..
these are pics of the other plant not sure which seed this is so we will call her i see a small leaf coming out the side.. lets hope all is well and they both grow into strong beautiful plants.

P.S. i still dont know how to turn my pictures upright.
I think it's the way you hold the camera ... if I hold mine sideways to show a tall plant then the photo comes thru sideways ... :thumbsup: