New Grower First time grower here, be gentle :D Night Owl (Royal Stomper+Foxy Purp)

Jun 21, 2020
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Hello everyone, this quarantine gave me the opportunity to test out what it would be like to grow my own medicine.
Started on 4/30 with 3 bag seeds. I've been using that as my experimental plants, doing all sorts of torture test. Through my inexperience I've managed to kill 2/3 plants and severely stunted the only remaining one. No problem, lets start over properly. Got the lights, ordered some quality genetics, and started doing some research. I decided to go with Night Owl Seeds because my original choice of Mephisto Genetics were not in stock at the time. Medium of choice is FFOF.




So here we go.
06/05 - We have the 4 ladies popping out. 2 Foxy Purps on the left and 2 Royal Stompers on the right. Middle is the only remaining bagseed which at one point was clinging to its life. Now that the bagseed is show life again i decieded to top it.

06/09 - 4 days later, the 4 autoflower sprouts are all developing at its own pace, despite the ffof soil they seem to be doing well. At this point they have been watered 100ml of water and 2ml of coconut water + 1/4 tsp of FF Big Bloom. The bagseed seems to responding well to being topped.

06/13 - Another 4 days later I gave it its second round of watering. Same ratio, except now its 500ml of tap water.

06/18 - 5 Days later, I can see that the autoflowers are taking off right before week 2 . The Royal Stompers on the right are taking on a bushier form, while the foxy purps on the left seem to take on a more stretched out and spaced out nodes. At this point I think its safe to say that the middle plant is no longer stunted and is now displaying its own growth.

6/23 - Another 5 days later at the 18th day mark, I've applied LST to all the autos. I decided to take a different approach with each strain. Foxy Purps were LST'd by their leaves, pulled all the way down staked to ground, exposing inner nodes. The Royal Stompers were bent at the main stalk and the leaves have been tucked behind the new growths. As this is my first grow, this is still experimental with LST.

06/28 - Here we go another 5 days later we got explosion in the tent. Space is running low in the 3x3 already at week 3 day 3. The Bagseed plant have been moved into corner with a tomato ring around it, incase it spills over to the other autoflowers. I top dressed both the royal stompers and foxy purps with veg (8tbsp) + 1 cup of FFOF . I also re-arranged the tent so that now its the 2 Foxy purps up front and 2 Royal Stompers in the back.

That is the update thus far (day 23 on all the autos). Night Owl seems to be a fantastic breeder for a first timer like myself. Hopefully I can make it into flowering just fine as they are just starting to show sex now. Good luck to everyone on your grow.
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@CluelessVillager :welcome:Welcome to AFN :welcome:. You look like you are off to a good start. The next equipment investment might be better pots. Air pots or fabric pots allow better air penetration to the roots and roots need air.

:goodluck: tag me if you need anything.

@CluelessVillager :welcome:Welcome to AFN :welcome:. You look like you are off to a good start. The next equipment investment might be better pots. Air pots or fabric pots allow better air penetration to the roots and roots need air.

:goodluck: tag me if you need anything.

Thank you :D . This seemed like the perfect place to share my grow and keep it on the down low from people I know haha.
Update on 6/30 (Day 25)
So only 2 days have past since last update but alot has happened. The tent is now filling up with all green, hardly can see the floor anymore. I'm going to continue to bring down the main cola towards the empty space whenever they get too tall.

Some shots of the LST on the Foxy Purps, its cool to see how they can just adjust to life's obstacles.
Foxy Purp # 1

Foxy Purp #2


Some Individual Close ups on each plant so far
Foxy Purp #1 on the bottom right corner

Foxy Purp #2 on bottom left corner


Royal Stomper # 1 on top left corner


Royal Stomper #2 in the middle


That concludes the update for the month of june. Happy growing everyone.
Nice first grow, man! Those plants are spread out nicely thanks to your LST. Nice even canopy with lots of bud sites receiving direct light. Mission accomplished, bro! Looks like the flower show is right around the corner! Man, your current grow would be perfect for a scrog!

Keep up the good work! :pass:
Nice first grow, man! Those plants are spread out nicely thanks to your LST. Nice even canopy with lots of bud sites receiving direct light. Mission accomplished, bro! Looks like the flower show is right around the corner! Man, your current grow would be perfect for a scrog!

Keep up the good work! :pass:
Thank you thats been my goal so far with the LST and it seems to be responding well. When should I "scrog"? Im thinking that adding another element to the grow would complicate things for me at this point, im not sure.
Thank you thats been my goal so far with the LST and it seems to be responding well. When should I "scrog"? Im thinking that adding another element to the grow would complicate things for me at this point, im not sure.

Yeah, you are probably right. Don’t want to over complicate on your first grow. It’s just thatwhen I look at your tent, I see a scrog. It’s actually perfect for it, and would really increase your yield. Now would be the optimal time before the stretch really starts. As those plants stretch and mature, you are going to have to figure out how to pack everything in there somehow, regardless. But I hear ya on wanting to keep it simple right now,