If you are going to do true organic growing then yes...activated aerated compost teas. Sounds like you have all the good ingredients in your mix, esp azomite & kelp meal. True living organic gardening you are feeding the soil, not the plants. you feed all the microscopic and macroscopic organisms in the soil (bacteria, nemotodes, arthropods, earthworms, etc) which will in turn provide a service to the plants by processing organic matter and making it available to the plant where in lifeless soil, these nutes would be normally locked up and unavailable to the plant. I am starting to believe that once you have the basis of a good soil mix, all the differing recipes on amendments start to split hairs if your soil life is in balance and firing, the plant will obtain everything it needs, the animals will keep the plant fed, replace nutrients via their waste products, and aerate the soil as they move around and you wont have to (or want to), till.

good luck man