New Grower First time grower - blue dream auto from Humboldt

Day 28
Hey Guys and Gals,

Girls are doing well! Upped the nutes today to 1.5ml/l MGB and 1ml/l of calmag xtra. They last got nutes on day 21.

I LSTed some more today, probably the last time before flower. Also selectively defoliated about every other day.







Just starting to get a smell. Getting stronger every day.
Looking real nice man. I'm thrilled it's going well! I wonder how much more stretch they will do. How is node spacing on em?
What's light cycle? You plan on making any changes in that respect?
Day 35
Hey Folks!

Plants are still stretching. Based on pot weight I'm probably going to have to start watering every other day.

Lights: 20/4
Nutes: 2ml/l MGB plus 2ml/l big bud, and 1ml/l calmag xtra. last fed on day 32. Last watering was on day 34.
Humidity: around 50 percent
Temps - 65 - 75 F. This is been consistent throughout the grow.
Training: Plants were topped around 17 and LST through day 28.

Overall, pretty happy with the grow. One of the easiest plants (non-cannabis) I have grown to date.

Looks real good. I don't see any leaf discoloration [maybe a lil but probably due to my cracked screen I assume?]. Looking healthy. Did you mount anything outside of tent or is it all in the tent? You think you might have to vent outside in a few weeks? Or smell containable? How's the tents zippers holding up?

Looking good!