New Grower First time grower - blue dream auto from Humboldt

Day 12
Day 12 from sowing...

Gave pots a through watering with plain ole RO water, pH at around 6.4.

Overall I'm happy to see where I am, considering this is my first go. Think I am going to top the group, as I have been reading @autobeast threads. Its amazing to see what these plants can handle.




Day 14
Whats up everyone!

Lights haven't been moved up yet and are still on 20/4 cycle.

Long time no update! So after reading more on the forums I have determined that you start counting how old hey are when you see true leaves. So up until now I have been in error and today marks day 14. :smoking:. The @HSO-Mark Humboldt Seed Organization blue dream auto's are kicking ass for this first time grower.

They got a nice watering tonight of pHed RO water, voodoo juice, and 1/3 strength cal-mag. I probably should have watered them yesterday but live and learn. Most likely, I'll start nutes at a 1/4 strength next watering.

The bigger girl will be ready for topping in the next day or so. I'm think the other two are about 1 -2 days behind the other. Thanks @autobeast for the topping thread! After topping I'll be attempting to do LST to try and keep them low.

As always advice or tips are welcome!

Happy Toking

Day 16
Todays post!

First picture below is the topped girl from day 15. I was able to top another one today on day 16.

Middle picture is the middle plant that was helmet headed after it popped outta the soil. I may be able to top it tomorrow or later tonight as it grows. If not I may try some serious training to keep them low.

Last two is from the girl I topped today.

Overall, happy for how its going.




Day 23
Sorry for the delay all life happened.

Lots of changes. Plants were topped on day 18 with me fimming the small one on accident. Shit happens and lesson learned. All plants responded well to topping.

On day 19 I LSTed some with materials I had on hand. Will be getting string and doing some sliding knots so I can pull them down easier.

Day 21 was the girls first feed of advanced nutrients MGB at 1ml/l and calmag xtra at 1ml/l. Have seen no signs of nutrient burn so I may up the dose next feeding.

QUESTION: Do I skip a feeding or nutes at every feeding? There doesn't seem to be a consensus on this.

Photo below was taken today at the start of day 23. Next post will have some more detailed photos.

I would not nute every feed. Take it slow and ease them into it. I'm not super familiar with indoor though so maybe some one else can chime in. Got any up close pics? Any leaf discoloration at all?
Whats up folks! First time grower in the Midwest, where sadly, it is illegal to grow your own herb. After getting sick of a unpredictable black market and a high priced legal market I decided to join all you wonderful folks!

I will be growing in my unfinished basement in a relatively new house. Basement stays around 68 degrees all year round and relative humidity ranges from 40-60 percent without a dehumidifier. I will most likely be purchasing a dehumidifier come flower. Basement is moderately used.

I choose to go with blue dream auto from Humboldt. I purchased seeds from North Atlantic Seed Company, service was great.

2x4x5 Vivosun grow tent
4" vivosun exhaust with carbon filter - exhaust blows to the other side of the basement. If needed I do have the option of venting outside
HLG 260x xl V2 Rspec
2x small clip on fans
RO Water pHed to 6.5
Advanced Nutrients
70% biobizz lite soil, 30% vermiculite that was presoaked with RO water with voodoo juice and cal mag at 100%, and some of my backyard compost.
5 gallon fabric pots

Seeds were directly sowed into the soil on 9/10 about 1cm down and lightly covered. All seeds germinated and have broke the soil as of today. Humidity domes will he left in until the first set of leaves form.

Have to use RO water as I have liquid rock coming out of my taps. 430 ppm average with a pH of 7.5 - 7.8. Luckily, I already had an RO system for my aquarium room.

Light is currently at 50% 24/7 at around 20 in above the surface of the pot. Will be ran 20/4 throughout the cycle once leaves form.

Any feedback or tips would be appreciated!

Toke well my friends!
Gotta love glaciers that came through 30k years ago making that water rock hard. I'm in midwest too and HAVE to have a water softener or dishwasher and laundry machines last half as long. Ugh. Ugga mugga!
Day 24
As requested here are some pics.

The plant with the red tag is the runt of the litter. Since I accidently fimmed her I have been pushing her hard.

The other two are doing great. I have done some LSTing and selectively defoiling for light penetration. I have already figured out these plants are tougher than the fragile nature I read about.





