So as a first timer, I had pressure from the start about how my finish product would be. Life threw me 2 curve balls. One issue actually affected my drying process, the second had my mental swaying. With that said It was now time to test my final product, and the result was posted just above on the 22nd. Since then my mind mended and the product aged a bit, about a week more. I have been wondering if i had simply needed to give it (the nugs) more time; or was my head space incapable of completeing the task with integrity? The taste is sweet and smooth, even in a bong. Its strong for the first hour then dwendles(latest time I checked it might have lasted longer which is why I'm deciding to test again). I plan to combust/vape it again to see if it holds better, and also decarb some to see if it would waste or work. I'll post my findings.